Is anyone using VAC extender without actually creating vacuum in them?
My VAC extender finally arrived a couple days ago. I couldn’t put on the sleeves the way it was shown in the instructions as they were too slim. Before that I tried taping my glans, and i found this guide here on how to tape your glans if you have a foreskin, witch included a ton of taping. I tried that but it was a ton of hassle, and hard to to properly, and removing the tape was super painful as my glans are very sensitive. I actually tried both 3m micropore and microfoam. My last attempt was using microfoam to just tape the pee hole (?) but after i took it off I had pain there for 2 days so I was discouraged to use the vac cup at all.
Anyway, later I discovered that if just use a vac cup and roll the wider sleeve on it, then I can put the cup over the glans and roll down the sleeve (without fully unfolding it) it holds my penis tight enough to use the extender without it slipping of. Its kinda like an OK grip. This means i dont actually create a vacuum, but the vac cup is just acting as an attachment point for the sleeve witch is what actually holds my penis. This is way more comfortable than the noose, and although after about an hour my glans do get a bit cold, its not as bad as with the sleeve and I dont have any discomfort at all. It also holds much better than the noose, as with that it was always a hassle to find the point where its tight enough that it doenst slip but not so tight that it completely kills the blood circulation.
I would like to note that I am using around 900-1200g traction so it might be that at higher traction it would slip.
I was wondering if anyone else has a similar experience using a vac extender as I haven’t seen this method mentioned anywhere.