Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is it possible


Is it possible

In 3 months, would it be possible to gain .5” in girth and 1” in length just by doing 200 jelqs, 2 Ulis, and 15 minutes of stretching a day, 4x times a week? If not, how much should I expect.. You guys can throw some constructive criticism my way, and if you want give some tips on how I could make my routine better..

I’ve been doing this for 2 years now (on/off) but I haven’t been able to find a routine that works.. Usually I overwork it, and I get limp dick for a week.. Id say I’ve done a total of 3 months of PEing with .25” gains in girth, none in length.

If you know what DOESN’T WORK….DON’T DO THAT!

In other words, it is obvious to you that you over do it…ok so start much easier.

I suggest take a few weeks off ( if you have been pe regularly) then just do a newbie routine…and no more!

If you see much improved erections, but no growth…add a small amount more for a few weeks and see if there are any gains.

I wrote a thread that may be helpful for you;

Physiologic Indictors (PIs) to help growth!

What I suggest is to decide ahead of time what routine you want to do…AND STICK WITH IT!

I get in trouble when I confuse pe with recreation…know the difference! :)

As far as what to expect, you know better than anyone you CAN’T know what to expect.

Work on dialing in your routine, then SEE what you get…that’s all anyone can really do.

Wow, I guess it’s possible but I doubt it. It really depends on you. Everyone’s different. Realistically you probably couldn’t. But with the right routine and the right amount of rest there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to. I’d do more than 200 jelqs and do them at a low erection level 30-40% to target length.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Oh this is a new routine, I used to do 600 really intense jelqs w/ 4 Ulis and 25 minutes of stretching and after that my dick would basically feel numb and would be limp and stuff..

How much stretching could I do to attain the goals.. I know 1” in 3 months is a lot.. I just had the idea that maybe I could do stretching twice a day, for X amount of time.. Any thoughts?

Well, what has worked for others.. That’s what I’m trying to get some input on.. Though I do see that I have been viewing this the wrong way, which is exactly why I posted, I want to find out what I’ve been doing wrong and what I’ve been doing right, and how I can improve..

For instance, is it possible to stretch too much in a day.. Things like that would help me increase my knowledge, and help me make the gains

The right way to do PE is to not cause trauma. So if your routine gives you more pleasure then pain, you are on the right track. The old saying: “no pain no gain” just doesn’t apply. If you can get that through your head, you will begin to see results.

You shouldn’t feel pain?? I don’t know if I agree with that, I think I’ve just felt TOO MUCH pain and that’s why I’ve had problems.. I’ve heard that it’s good to be soar the next day, to a certain extent.. Otherwise your body won’t have anything to heal.

You asked for help…Gprent has made great gains…you haven’t made any.

Maybe you should throw out what YOU think should be and listen to someone who has been successful?

Or you can listen to a bunch of other guys who haven’t made any gains…and try all their ways of not progressing.

Read that link I posted…it will help put you on the right track.

Thats just what the general concencus is, I am hear to listen, and I’m taking in everything ppl are saying.. Like I said, I posted this to get a better idea of what I should be doing, b/c obviously what I’ve done in the past hasnt worked out for me.. I appreciate what you’re saying and you’re probably right, but you don’t have to be so aggressive, like I said, constructive critcism is welcome, but I don’t appreciate bashing.. But again thanks to all you guys, I think I have a better idea of what I should be doing

There is no general consensus around here that pain is acceptable. What I hear consistently on this Forum is that pain is to be avoided. Not a little pain, or a lot of pain, but any pain. Do what you like, but if you want to be rewarded for the time you put into PE, do your time pain free.

And to take it to the extra step, avoid trauma too. You might hear talk in the PE world about taking rest days to repair the micro tears that occur as the result of PE. Well, most people seem to take that as being OK to be black and blue or red spots, or sore, but that level of damage is macro damage. Micro damage is micro, and therefore can’t be seen by the naked eye. So if you can see damage, you have gone too far.

But you will also get the obvious performance signs of going too far. Decreasing erection strength and loss of nocturnal and morning erections are all proof positive indicators you are doing more harm then good.

When your routine is perfect, your erections will be harder then ever and you will have trouble sleeping through all of the nocturnal erections you are getting. Oh yeah, the other sign your routine is perfect: your cock is getting bigger. :)

After a couple months of my own newbie routine of purely stretching, I dove right into developing my routine for PE and within this first month I’ve literally gained .5” for both length and girth. I don’t overwork, but I keep it steady like I do my weightlifting. I do one day on one day off because the body needs to recuperate and rebuild with the nutrients you MUST put back inside of it.

Originally Posted by FillItUp
Thats just what the general concencus is, I am hear to listen, and I’m taking in everything ppl are saying.. Like I said, I posted this to get a better idea of what I should be doing, b/c obviously what I’ve done in the past hasnt worked out for me.. I appreciate what you’re saying and you’re probably right, but you don’t have to be so aggressive, like I said, constructive critcism is welcome, but I don’t appreciate bashing.. But again thanks to all you guys, I think I have a better idea of what I should be doing

No bashing intended, sorry if thats how I sounded.

You will find that there are many, many opinions on this board.

If you stick around long enough you will begin to sort out those that really know their stuff, from someone who takes a wild guess in the guise of good advice.

You attracted the attention and advice of one of our good ones, and didn’t realize who it was.

I’ve been here long enough to get frustrated when someone who knows what they are doing…takes the time to help…and it is dismissed.

The more time I’m here, the less patience I have with that.

I know you didn’t know, I was trying to point it out…if I came across as short, I apologize. ( although I know I will either get worse with time…or quit making the effort.)

Either that, or I will have to get a degree at Thunders school for the snappy one liners! :)

Originally Posted by FillItUp
I’ve been doing this for 2 years now (on/off).. Id say I’ve done a total of 3 months of PEing

Perhaps in your case more is less. I would back way off and find a routine that you can consistently do, even it is only 20mn total /day, that does not injure you willie.

Often the “pain” thing is just semantics and level of sensitivity. Is is entirely possible for two guys to be experiencing the same thing and one to describe it as “moderate pain”, and the other as not even sore.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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