Originally Posted by calvinn
Also, can kegeling make you nut quicker?? I’ve been thinking that this might be one of the factors to my (now) premature ejaculation. But when I do ejaculate, I’ve noticed that I now have a bigger load. Around how long after kegeling will I be able to control my ejaculations?
I’m not too sure about your edging after PE question but I would think it to be fine. The whole goal of edging is to learn where your “point of no return” is and be able to know when to back off a little. When you are with your lady, you can practice edging on her. Get close to the point of no return and then slow down a little. When the feeling subsides, step up the action with her again.
Kegeling should make you last longer. In fact, when I am approaching the point of no return, I kegel really intensly which helps the feeling subside. However, I have heard some people report that it makes them come sooner.
If your girlfriend is understanding, tell her you want to practice some techniques on her. This way she won’t be upset when you keep thrusting then slow down and even stop at points. Trust me, eventually this will all come together for you.