Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is there any point in 6 in girth ?

Saw this over on reddit and figured I’d post here. Essentially a girl has taken cloth wrapped up in a tube, and denoted the girth in relation to her hand/grip. Doesn’t look like she has small hands, and also 5.5" seems to mark where her fingers won’t touch.

Hand for reference (although a crappy pic imo):

reddit thread: … to_look_at_men/

Her hands aren’t small either…

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

Last edited by Drako93 : 06-20-2015 at . Reason: Deleted links after pics uploaded

Really interesting Phoenix, thanks..but can you upload the pics on here?

The links might not work in the future so if they stay here, people will find the pics still avaible.

Originally Posted by Phoenix7672
Saw this over on reddit and figured I’d post here. Essentially a girl has taken cloth wrapped up in a tube, and denoted the girth in relation to her hand/grip. Doesn’t look like she has small hands, and also 5.5" seems to mark where her fingers won’t touch.

Hand for reference (although a crappy pic imo):

reddit thread: … to_look_at_men/

Her hands aren’t small either…


Great links, Phoenix!

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

For the life of me, I simply can’t fathom why guys would limit themselves to staying at one particular size. Maybe it has something to do with ego, maybe not. But in the end, when we break it down to the simplest compounds, aren’t we all simply looking for the thing that makes us feel better about ourselves?

I mean, if feeling good about oneself wasn’t an issue, no one would ever exercise or eat right (unless it was for life or death health reasons), no one would wear designer clothing, no one would get haircuts or bother to even shave. We do these things, more or less, because ultimately they make us feel good. Women wouldn’t get boob jobs, or facelifts … men wouldn’t get hair plugs or try to hide their grey. The examples I cited may be a bit trivial but in the larger scope, it boils down to self gratification - doing what makes you feel good.

Now if you want to base your self gratification on the gratification of others (in this case, what you think is best size for women for pleasurable intercourse), then great - have at it. But if another guy wants to go bigger and larger than that, what’s the big deal? Really, why is it so blasphemous to break that 6” threshold? Or even the 7” threshold? If you think that every woman you run into won’t be able to accommodate that and that’s your reason or justification for stopping, then fine - it’s great that you’ve reached your goal. But if you want to continue to be larger and bigger in an effort to satisfy what you want for yourself, why is that a bad thing?

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

I think there needs to be a balance between ego and practicality. The reason we have a penis is for sex, and if you somehow made it too large to ever have sex then what’s the point? It’s like those guys who have injected silicon and made their penis a 4kg blob…in the end, yes it is huge but you now can’t even use the thing.

This is why I always say, length for me, girth for her. I’d rather have a 12x6.5 if possible than a 8x8…since I can control how much goes in…but I can’t control how much she can stretch without bleeding, pain, or required downtime. Talking more realistic goals…My endgame from all this is to be around 9.5-10” BPEL x 6.5” MEG. I’d also love to keep my taper as Dicker also mentions…would be great imo to be 6 below the glans, 6.5 MEG and close to 7 BEG. That way too, the longer she can take, the thicker it gets.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

Originally Posted by bill10
I strongly believe that a huge penis is like a treat to women. I am not talking about big. They love plain big. I am talking about huge. They all want to experience it in some point of their lives, cause you know women, they like to talk with their friends and brag. << Honey I had once someone who was thiiiiiiiiiiis biiiiiig…. >>.I think they need it as an experience. I don’t think that they want themselves ripped open every single day of their lives. My friend I was talking about is looking to settle down, marry, have some kids. He is 35 years old. He can’t get a woman to stay with him. He has a new girlfriend every 3-6 months. The guy is not an ass. He is a good confident guy, with a steady job, not very good looking , but decent in looks.

The only thing he is getting is phone calls from his ex girlfriends every now and then and only from those who are not in a relationship for obvious reasons. One night thing or maybe a one week reunion. He is not even that huge. 8 inches length and perhaps a little below 6 inches girth, don’t know about girth for sure but it’s a fat dick cause I’ve seen it..

Me and my friend are always messing him about that, and you know he laughs about it too, but sometimes I feel sorry for him. Such a nice guy. I tried to hook him up with a mutual friend who knows about his dick and also wants to get married, you know make her see him in another way and she said to me << Are you crazy? >>

I guess if your end game is to simply be some woman’s fantasy come true/wild experience- but as you state, it is simply not sustainable. There is more to relationships than being able to wow your woman with a cock so big that she likely won’t be able to have sex with you more than once a week. If a man centres his entire purpose in a relationship on being the “one time wow factor”, he is going to have a pretty lonely and desolate life.

I have never had anal sex, nor do I want to. It just doesn’t appeal to me. My wife has been able to take my girth well. I can go ball deep and she stretches to fit. The length is more of a factor for the woman, in my opinion. A woman can stretch to fit whatever size is needed. However, if you are too long you will hit the back of her cervix thereby causing pain. Then what are you going to do? I would much rather be really thick than really long.


Beginning stats 3/2010: BPEL: 6" Flaccid: 3.5" Erect Girth: 5.25

Stats as of 9/2022: BPEL: 8" Flaccid: 7" Flaccid Girth: 5.25 Erect Girth: 6 5/8"

Originally Posted by Houstonwoods
I have never had anal sex, nor do I want to. It just doesn’t appeal to me. My wife has been able to take my girth well. I can go ball deep and she stretches to fit. The length is more of a factor for the woman, in my opinion. A woman can stretch to fit whatever size is needed. However, if you are too long you will hit the back of her cervix thereby causing pain. Then what are you going to do? I would much rather be really thick than really long.

I agree although I think there are limits to girth too. If anyone is truly doing this to satisfy their partner, they will listen and adjust according to the feedback they are receiving from their partner. I’ve hit a critical point where I could keep going, but it would be entirely to satisfy my own ego. My wife is more than happy with what I had and what I now have, and I think that I have hit a point of diminishing return. Personally, I’d like to just lock down on what I have gained, and forget about PE altogether apart from light maintenance. I think that PE is a great thing, however it can become an obsession for some, and the need to carry on is fueled by a constant feeling of lack.

The thing with girth is that if its too thick for a particular woman to take it comfortably even when aroused then there is nothing you can do.

With length you dont have to shove it all in. Even a 15 inch long x 5 girth dick wouldnt hinder you to have sex with a tight pussy. With a lets say 8 inch girth x 7 length it would be almost impossible with most.
( I made a thread about too much length: When your Dick is Too Long Go For Even Longer )

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
I understand why you feel this way and why you give these warnings. And they should be considered first before its too late!
There is only so much you can do with skill to make it work at some point. You did go past it and everyone should listen to your story.
You got simply too big for that particular woman. While for another it would be just right or even not enough! Agree 100% on blowjobs. Another reason to go for the tapered cone shape.

Its all relative and cant be nailed onto one definite number. I think thats what we all can agree on ?
Espacially in a stable relationship its 100% tied to a partners enjoyable capabilities.

Now my hobby is going around trying to get all pussy Im interested in without having a long relationship to make someone “stretch”.
I had woman at 5.5 mseg having problems gasping with just half of my dick in even when very aroused. They wouldnt be able to take 6 mseg girth daily.
And I had woman that could have taken much more then I am and surely 6+. Some I insert 2 extra fingers with my dick and they love it and beg for more stretch.

Thats why I go for a cone shaped tapered down dick. :D I know I will be able to please theoreticly almost all woman I met with the shape and size I have in mind.

Cause in the end there is still a desire by most woman to be stretched to their enjoyable maximum. Tendency is that 5.5 does that job most the time but not all the time!

Okay, I get it. I don’t have a cone shaped tapered down dick, but a dick that is 6.375 EG just under the glands and mid with a very large mushroom head.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Okay, I get it. I don’t have a cone shaped tapered down dick, but a dick that is 6.375 EG just under the glands and mid with a very large mushroom head.

TNT Im not going out tonight bulging my shark shaped dick into peoples faces because of this thread instigating my thoughts about it might hurting people physicly cause I know I already did that.
I cant the take responsiblity right now for that. I know for at least one guy who feels horrible cause of the instances I created through instigating drama through my dick. Sounds funny right now he might be totally Ok right now and better of then me.
Just feeling bad for the one lady who might had possibly fun with it for a moment in time tonight.

THIS DOESNT MEAN IM WANKING TONIGHT :D ( I can create erections thanks to learning skills that rip my pants open BUT I dont have 100% control over it as in beeing the person moving this body)

There is btw. one guy who posts in every penis related forum or whatever getting crazy about his penis or in relation to other penis. I think he is cool but its abit crazy that I see him everywhere I visit.(you know who you are ; ) )

You people should know pussy is crazy about dick and woman sometimes too :D

I don’t even know what to think about that dicker. It’s pretty funny but pompous as hell at the same time. I say you all just get along before this thread turns into a total shit show.

I’ll sum it up:

6” girth is suitable for some women/men and not for others! It’s that simple. Cmon guys lets not make personal feelings on the matter turn this thread into a pissing match.

Carry on.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
TNT Im not going out tonight bulging my shark shaped dick into peoples faces because of this thread instigating my thoughts about it might hurting people physicly cause I know I already did that.
I cant the take responsiblity right now for that. I know for at least one guy who feels horrible cause of the instances I created through instigating drama through my dick. Sounds funny right now he might be totally Ok right now and better of then me.
Just feeling bad for the one lady who might had possibly fun with it for a moment in time tonight.

THIS DOESNT MEAN IM WANKING TONIGHT :D ( I can create erections thanks to learning skills that rip my pants open BUT I dont have 100% control over it as in beeing the person moving this body)

There is btw. one guy who posts in every penis related forum or whatever getting crazy about his penis or in relation to other penis. I think he is cool but its abit crazy that I see him everywhere I visit.(you know who you are ; ) )

You people should know pussy is crazy about dick and woman sometimes too :D

We have a saying here in Greece about women, as a joke: Τis gynekas o kaimos, poutsa, lousa ke horos. Which means every woman’s burning desire is dick, fancy living and dancing.

Originally Posted by bill10
We have a saying here in Greece about women, as a joke: Τis gynekas o kaimos, poutsa, lousa ke horos. Which means every woman’s burning desire is dick, fancy living and dancing.

That is so true.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

Originally Posted by bill10
We have a saying here in Greece about women, as a joke: Τis gynekas o kaimos, poutsa, lousa ke horos. Which means every woman’s burning desire is dick, fancy living and dancing.

The sexes aren’t too far apart on this idea.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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