Jelq injury question
Well I picked up PE again and it was going pretty good, except that I may have jelqed too intense the other day and didn’t notice some spots on the underside of my dick so when I went through my routine on Monday and looked at the other side I noticed a red area . I’m not that worried about it, I think it will heal OK. It doesn’t look like a bruise, just looks like the area was disturbed; there are small area where it’s red and when I stretch the skin out I can see a few small, squiggly red veins in and around the redness. Is this type of injury minor and somewhat common? I think it just needs time. I wish that I could take a picture but I don’t know how to take a decent close-up picture with my digital camera, it always turns out really bright and you can’t see very good detail.
My main question is that I’m going to be visiting my girlfriend tomorrow night, and would having sex make this worse or would it be OK? On one hand it is an injury and even though it’s small it needs time to heal, but on the other hand I’ve been resting it all week and massaging it and applying heat. I’m thinking that normal erection pressure should be OK and won’t disturb it too much, and that jelqing would be the thing that would make it worse. A lot of you are very knowledgeable when it comes to these injuries, I would greatly appreciate any advice and/or comments. Thanks!