Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelq questions

Jelq questions

I started PE in April and followed the newbie routine for 3months vigorously. My initial stats were 4.75 (EL) * 3.7 (EG). 3 months of PE did not give me any gains. Frustrated, I gave myself a break for about a month. After seeking advice from members at Thunders and after reading various posts, I decided to only use manual stretching (10mins) and jelqing (10mins) in my routine (obviously with warm wrap before and after). I’m on a 3day on, 2 day off routine.

As mentioned above, my penis is in the lower end of the penis length spectrum. My shaft length is particularly short. This gives me trouble when I jelq. Unless I jelq very very very slowly, it is impossible to sustain a jelq for 3-4 secs. Also, when using the stardard jelq technique, the skin that connects the balls to the penis (on the underside) constantly gets in the way.

Hence, I’ve started jelqing in the upward and downward angles (for downward jelq, I use the overhand OK grip). By doing this, I am able to jelq properly (with each jelq lasting 4secs atleast). Could I continue doing this or will this harm (injure) my penis in any way?

Also, with my upward/downward Jelq technique, I’ve noticed that after jelqing, my penis does not remain pumped up for very long. That is, as soon as I finish jelqing and use a warm wrap, the pumped up state disappears in 10mins or so. Earlier, when I was Jelqing straight out (6 o clock direction), my penis would stay pumped for a longer time. Any comments?


Sounds to me like you have adapted your technique, as you should, to what works best for you. I would continue to use the technique that provides the most comfortable exercise and the longer lasting benefits. As you continue to do PE, you will probably discover other things that work well for you, and you should not hesitate to do what works best.

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