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Questions about Power Jelq

Questions about Power Jelq


í´m a newbie with the power jelquer. within several sessions i tried to find the best technique, but i couln´t.
my problem is my skin of the penis. it is so loose, even in totally erect state, that it slides in front of the rollers of the pjer. my problem also is, that the skin forms a kind of cusion, preventing the blood moving in front of the rollers.
because of my skin i can´t get enough pressure to move the blood.

has anyone the same problem, or any idea how to solve my problem?

I never had that problem when I was using a power jelq. Can’t you place midway up the shaft, hold tight enough to grip the skin and push back toward the body, then start normal strokes (making sure to finish each stroke an inch before the glans).

hi memento,

yesterday i tried what you suggested but i couldn´t manage it. BUT it lead me to a kind of dry jelquing technique. i press down with the rollers and make sure, that they do not roll. then i use my skin to move the device.
i think with a little practise it could work. the problem is, that i can not begin directly at the base and end the stroke near the head. but i will try this a few days.

has anyone else experienced the same problem? or a simple solution to it?

another question: what are the best girth ex. using the power jelq?



Your second technique in using the powerjelq is the correct one. The rollers are not supposed to roll. This kind of dryjelq that you are experiencing is the appropriate way to use the powerjelq. Here is a post that I did earlier on the powerjelq that you may find useful.

peforeal - peforeal’s routine



your thread helped me alot! i guess i will find my best way to powerjelqu.
just had a 30 min session and it feels great.



Glad I could help!



may i just ask you another question about pjing? since you seem to have much and good experience with it?

is there any special girth ex. (like using it vertikally)?
i tried it using vertically, but whenever i reach the midshaft my penis turns to one or the other side, so the pj is in the same penis-powerjelqu position like when i use it the “normal” way.
i hope you can make i picture of it how i mean it….

i really need girth, more than length, so when you or anyone else has a specific girth ex, please let me know




Have you posted your question(s) to this group?

OR eon


For additional help in gaining girth with the powerjelq, I would suggest getting 80% erect, pushing the powerjelq as deep into your pubic region as possible, squeeze the powerjelq and concentrate your pull up along the lower 1/3 of your shaft and repeat. This will help to give you some pretty good girth gains, especially at the base.

If you want to try something different, I would strongly recommend vacuum pumping. The combination of these two techniques should help accelerate your girth gains tremendously.



is this the site? i also posted there, but this forum isn´t as busy as thundersplace, so i also post here.

thank you anyway.


your girth ex. is some kind of uli with the pj, right? i am already doing ulis, but i´ll give the pj a try.



I hadn’t visited since last August, but after reading your post…visited…the format is different…so yes, it’s the same site.

OR eon

Re: Questions about Power Jelq

Originally posted by jaco

í´m a newbie with the power jelquer. within several sessions i tried to find the best technique, but i couln´t.
my problem is my skin of the penis. it is so loose, even in totally erect state, that it slides in front of the rollers of the pjer. my problem also is, that the skin forms a kind of cusion, preventing the blood moving in front of the rollers.
because of my skin i can´t get enough pressure to move the blood.

has anyone the same problem, or any idea how to solve my problem?

Hey Jaco

I think the power jelqer is a really good device. I also have alot of skin and I still get at great pump out of it. I tried to move the skin out the way but no matter what I did it didn’t matter. So I just went with the flow.

I have to say though. That one day I read a post from someone who said that he was using the power jelqer and one of the rollers popped off and cut his dick. I thought to myself what an idiot he must have been using it wrong or something. So weeks latter I was using it and the fucking roller popped off on me and sliced a good size scratch (which bled)on the side of my dick. So what I would totally recommend to you is that you put tape on the metal tips where the rollers go on. That would protect your dick from any major injury that could happen. I’m very lucky that I was going slow with it had I been going at it like a wild man I could have really fucked up my dick.

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