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Power jelq caused thrombosis; what do I do


Power jelq caused thrombosis; what do I do

Hey everybody,

I am in my 3rd month of the newbie routine, and my little gains stopped so I decided to switch from manual jelq to power jelq device. It caused the top of my penis to become sore and a little bruised, but with the 2 day on/one day off routine the rest day seemed to help. Then this morning, after having sex with my girlfriend, I experienced a slightly painful, bumpy vein on the top of my dick. I have researched and found this to be a thrombosed dorsal vein. I think the treatment is to lay off P.E. Until it’s gone and take aspirin. Does anybody have experience with the power jelq? It really seemed to give me immediate results that were positive at first. My flaccid hang was much fuller than before and lasted most of the day. I felt I was on my way to a little gain jump, but need advice on how to use which is impossible to find.

Most important; what do I do about the thrombosis? What are the long term effects if any? From reading the little information out there I understand that this is completely different than deep vein thrombosis;thus not life threatening. I am bummed about the set back to my P.E. Routine.

Take a break from PE. Use a hot wrap twice a day and gently massage over the lumpy areas. Once it has gone, take further week off to allow it to strengthen up a bit more. Once you have had one, it is easy to cause it to come back, so you will need to be very gentle with your PE for a while. Basically, you have damaged the valves in the vessel and they need quite a while to recover.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

A lot of PEers take a good rest after gains stop. Take a month off and restart the newbie program.

Your title is misleading. No matter what PE tool you decide to use, you are in control of it and therefore, it is you, not the tool that is ultimately responsible for going overboard.

Thanks for the help. And you are right that I did this, not the device.but that is why I am asking for advice from those who have experience with the power jelq. I didn’t know I was over doing it until the harm was done. Maybe my penis wasn’t ready for the rollers yet. I got the jelq gym device and the rollers are pretty hard rubber. I was using it as directed, not letting the rollers actually roll during use, but it seems ,that is how I inadvertently squeezed too hard.

Is there anyone here who has used this thing that can give me a detail about how to use it properly? It didn’t come with any instructions, there is just a few sentences and brief video on their website, but not much support.

I have never liked the design concept of the power jelq and wouldn’t use one myself.

I wouldn’t use one either.

I guess if they have rollers, but you are not supposed to let them roll, that would be a good way of consistently applying the exact same pressure every time, (assuming same lubrication). Use the pressure that only just stops them rolling, and no more than that, and you would apply the same amount of grip every time, over the whole shaft.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by Doko70

Hey everybody,

I am in my 3rd month of the newbie routine, and my little gains stopped so I decided to switch from manual jelq to power jelq device. It caused the top of my penis to become sore and a little bruised, but with the 2 day on/one day off routine the rest day seemed to help. Then this morning, after having sex with my girlfriend, I experienced a slightly painful, bumpy vein on the top of my dick. I have researched and found this to be a thrombosed dorsal vein. I think the treatment is to lay off P.E. Until it’s gone and take aspirin. Does anybody have experience with the power jelq? It really seemed to give me immediate results that were positive at first. My flaccid hang was much fuller than before and lasted most of the day. I felt I was on my way to a little gain jump, but need advice on how to use which is impossible to find.

Most important; what do I do about the thrombosis? What are the long term effects if any? From reading the little information out there I understand that this is completely different than deep vein thrombosis;thus not life threatening. I am bummed about the set back to my P.E. Routine.

Were you using the rollers on the top and bottom of your penis? It’s my understanding that they should be used on the sides. I could be wrong on this, and I have not tried these myself.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I got one of these just like you discribe and from the same device long ago.

The advice you yourself suggested is exactly what I did (asprin + layoff) and it did go away.

I got something quite similar about a week ago. I was jelqing and I guess I was doing it too hard thinking my penis could handle it but I got a thrombosed vein in my lower base on the left. I did some research in the Injury forum and I have been taking Aspirin daily along with heat wraps and a bit of massaging.

The area does not hurt nearly as much now as it did before but it still very noticeable after sex which I just can’t put off. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is whether you like it or not, you are going to have to take a rest break. If you do not you will be risking further injury to your penis and I’m quite sure you do not want that.

Do some research in the injury forum and you will find your answers on thrombossed(sp?) vein. As far as the Power jelq is concerned, I’m afraid I am not qualified to answer that one.

I went to a doctor and he gave me a blood thinner which has helped most of it, but after 3 days I still have one big lump. The improvement is that there is no longer pain, and the rest of the lumpy part of the vein seems to be healing.

SmilingBob.have you started using the jelq device again? Or have you found anywhere to help with suggestions on how to use without injury? Was I just going at it too hard?

Remember, the rollers go on the sides of the penis and not top/bottom.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

With this device (jelq gym) the video shows the rollers on the top and bottom. I have read of guys experimenting with them on the sides, but that is not how the device was made to be used.

Does anyone know of a good urologist in Los Angeles? I am going to search the web, but am looking for a referral before I just pick someone out of the directory.

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