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Jelqing with a turkey neck


Jelqing with a turkey neck

I’m not a coplete newbie to PE however I’m new too this board (although I have looked through alot of it), Ive been doing it a few months. I don’treally think this is a newbie question however I can’t post in the main member area.

Anyway my problem is that I have a turkey neck and it makes jelqing hard to do. I have tried jelqing with one hand while the other pulled the skin back but i feel like the exercise just isn’t working. At the moment I’m just using my max-tender which is good because it allow me to stretch my penis without stretching the skin too much. When I jelq i feel my turkey neck being pulled out loads so I have stopped doing it untill I can find a solution. I had thoughts of using a rubber cock ring to keep my turkey neck back.Your advice is appreciated.


sorry but i don’t have the response you’re probably looking for…just wanted to say that i have the same problem…i was thinking about it and i think hanging over the shoulder would be best…so you can tug down on your nuts at the same time…i’d like to hear some of the vets responses though

You’r turkey neck must be really bad if you can’t even manage to get a decent jelq: why not submit a photo of your TN at its worst? I also have a TN, and am interested to find out how mine compares.

If you are having problems, try using plenty of lube (assumming you do wet jelqs); cut down on the amount of dry jelquing (if at all); pull your foreskin as FAR back as possible, and use the other hand to both harden yourself (NB 60-70% safest level) and jelq. Repeat this method, using plenty of lube. Remember also to use the tightest possible grip during the jelq, so that you exercise the internals instead of stretching your skin.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your tips :) . I’m not sure if my turkey necks really that bad It’s just want to do everything to make sure i don’t develop it even more. It’s annoying having hair on the bottom of the shaft and the baggy bit skin doesn’t look good atall.

I think when I first started PE I was stretching the skin, this was thanks to crappy sites *cough* penis advantage *cough* giving a lack of info. Recently i’ve been realising that my skins too long for my penis. Now there seems to be no way to gain girth without stretching the skin, unlike length as i feel it is possible to gain length without encouraging the turkey neck due to you can pull your skin right back before using a stretching device. I think my choice of lube might not be perfect. I use vaseline, mainly because it’s cheap and it’s the only thing i could buy without being too embarassed. I feel the vaseline is too grippy and is probably clogging my pores so I may change to a water-based lubricant.

I found that if you tie a string loosely around your testicals and then pull it back through your legs and hold the string between your buttocks,

this will hold your skin tight whilst jelqing, it also stop the skin from stretching.

I’ve just been doing some research and it seems that maybe clamping is the way to go as it can increase girth and requires no skin stretching. Has anyone experience with this?

Groete, Seuntjites- glad to see a fellow South African growing cock for the nation! The boks clearly don’t have enough cock and balls, so why don’t we try make a few changes!!

Your point about the string is intersting: what type of material do you use, and what type of knot (if any) do you employ when fastening your ballsack? Also, wouldn’t the string become greasy from all the wet jelquing? Does the string ever become loose at any stage during the jelq process?


What type of clamp are your referring to? If its one of those cock-ring jobs, maybe that will help to keep the scrotal skin clamped. If you’re talking about any other industrial clamp, all I can say is be careful…

hey magus…i just started clamping 2 weeks ago and already my flacid girth seems to be bigger hopefully the erect gains will follow

I’ve tried clamping, my girth goes huge and me veins stick out loads, i get scared that a vein will pop or something, my length seems unaffected though :( . I suppose this is normal. Caribbean pearl have you noticed any bad side-affects from clamping. I’ve heard gains from clamping are not permanenet, is this true? To me clamping seems like a sensible way to enlarge the penis, since it probably expands the chambers by filling them with blood just like a jelq does.

Groete Baracus, use a drawstring from a running shorts, and make a slipknot

you dont want the knot tight,as this will cut circulation.

you can wash the string after every session.

no negative effects as of yet…but i do get the bulging veins that you mentioned…and to be honest i had my concerns…if you’re experiencing the same effect maybe its normal…nevertheless i’ve continued to clamp…i actually clamp during my 10min “rests” between hanging sessions…i thought maybe doing so in between sets would help to further expand the already stretched tunica…will see how it goes…i found it really difficult to jelq like you said so thats why i’m trying alternative measures…how long have you been PEing…have you seen any gains as of yet

i suspect that like any of the PE exercises that to see permanent goals you’d have to cement them over a period of time…but clamping is nice because you can pretty much do it anywhere…and its only 10mins…so i find its an easy exercise to stick with…currently i’m hanging and clamping 5 days a week and no problems so far

magus,I had the same problem at first,i have a turkey neck too,it was quite difficult at first for me as well,I eneded up buying some rubber doughnut cock rings,about 3 to start off with and put my balls through them and was able to get past this problem. after a while I ended up just stretching them a bit with some weights,it made it easier and since my balls now hang lower my dick looks bigger,for some reason my turney neck was high and it made my dick look smaller because my balls were so high. and i also just like the look of low hangers.(i have had guys in my gym ask me how to get them like that). but anyway,you might want to try the rubber cock rings first,its easy and cheap,just make sure you get a size that wont slip off,i use 1.5 inch rubber rings for jelqing,they hold it down,and go on and off with out a problem.

You know, y’all are actually talking about the turkey’s wattle:

Wattle, snood and caruncle are all potential member names for you lurkers who would love to participate here if you only had a decent handle.

My mom always took the neck out and put it in a pan of water on the stove to cook all Thanksgiving Day. It would sit there for a few days and then she’d throw it in the trash and drive the dogs crazy.

(This non sequitor brought to you by Starbucks, where I just bought my second vente drip of the day. TTFN.)

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