You will need a good 2-4 weeks before you feel really comfortable with your penis.
Getting the procedure done will not prevent you from doing any non-sex related activities. As long as you keep the incisions moist with Bacitracin or Neosporin ointments (to prevent infection and help it heal properly), keep it wrapped carefully the first few days, and try NOT to get a full erection as this will break the incisions and may lead to infections or displeasing physical appearances once it heals. After week 1, try to air it out often to let the area dry…but do apply those ointments too.
So you can definitely go back to work…actually, the day after is fine too. The soreness (I didn’t really feel too much soreness myself) may be distracting, but it’s really not so bad. I was actively going to the gym days after my procedure. I wore boxer brief to keep things more secure—more than boxers would.
Don’t be scared or disappointed with how it looks right now. It looks puffy, sore and bruised because of such “trauma” done to that area, but that goes away. That’s normal. The puffiness will subside after a few weeks.
Good luck!
PS. I was circumcised 2 years ago (at 26). Glad I did it.