Thunder's Place

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Good luck Empire, just keep on that newbie routine and it will all become clear :)

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

Hi guys

I know this is a fairly old thread but just thought I’d offer some help and also to correct the Kegels exercise.

The most important thing to understand is that you should not stop peeing mid stream as that can cause reflux back up to the kidneys and create problems. So whilst this is in effect what a Kegels exercise is, it should not be done while peeing (urinating).

I could also give a web link to a professional video on Erectile Dysfunction which demonstrates the Kegels exercises but I don’t know if that is allowed on this forum so until someone tells me that is OK I won’t. I find this forum to helpful to be ‘terminated’.


Originally Posted by Usana69
The most important thing to understand is that you should not stop peeing mid stream as that can cause reflux back up to the kidneys and create problems.

This is not true. Stopping and starting the urine stream involves only the bladder and the urinary sphincter. It will not cause a reflux of urine up the ureters into the kidneys.

Telling someone to stop urinating in mid-stream is the easiest way to demonstrate which muscles to use for the Kegel exercise, but in actuality the muscle contracted has little to do with urine flow. See this article (as I linked to in a previous post in this thread) for an explanation of the whole thing.

Please do post the link to the ED site and thanks for your participation.

Hi Guys

Thanks Thunder - the link to the ED video is

Now onto the issue of practising Pelvic Floor (Kegel) exercises by stopping mid stream urination.

An article by Bump RC, Hurt WG, Fantl JA and Wyman JA (1991) Assessment of Kegel pelvic muscle exercise performance after brief verbal instruction. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Suggested that stopping urination mid stream produced a loss of co-ordination between relaxation of the urethral sphincter and detrusor contraction otherwise known as Detrusor-sphincter dyssinergia (DSD). This is commonly seen in spinal cord injured patients.

Kathleen Kobashi and Gary Leach in an article on Bladder Dysfunction for the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation suggested that DSD may result in increased intravesical pressure and an increased risk of kidney damage -

In another article

It states that DSD can result in high pressures in the bladder during urination. This can in turn result in urinary infection and bladder and kidney damage. DSD is more dangerous in men because the male sphincter muscles are much stronger than the female’s. This means that in men bladder pressures can rise to levels that endanger the kidneys.

Hope this helps



DSD (see this ) is a problem for people with spinal cord injuries. The detrusor muscle (part of the urinary bladder that contracts to expel urine) might contract against a closed urinary sphincter and this might force urine up the ureters into the kidneys. People without a spinal cord injury are not likely to experience uncoordinated contraction of the detrusor and the urinary sphincter. If one is to give this as a warning, it should be in the context of a spinal cord injury and not just a blanket statement of fact.

This is quite correct but what Bump et al were saying is that DSD can be ‘mimicked’ by the practice of stopping mid stream. In the UK this method of practising the pelvic floor muscles exercises is now avoided.

I have to be at work to retrieve full text articles, but the abstract of Bump’s paper doesn’t talk about DSD. It’s about how women perform Kegel’s exercise after receiving verbal instructions and how only half of them did the exercise correctly. I’d think if he felt there was some danger in stopping urine flow it would show up in the abstract. If you have the full text of this please PM me.

Regardless, the recommendation of stopping the urine flow isn’t meant to be performed each time one wants to do Kegels. It’s intended as a one time activity to show the person unfamiliar with the exercise what doing it feels like. Doing that once is hardly likely to cause muscle coordination problems in someone with normal spinal cord function.



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