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Kegel questions: (lifting weights, etc)


Kegel questions: (lifting weights, etc)

I have a questions about kegels. First, all of the exercises I have read involve squeezing the kegel muscles. Is this really the best way to develop these muscles? After all, merely flexing is not enough develop muscles, you have to lift weights. Wouldn’t some form of weight training be more effective?

Does anyone try to use weights to develop their kegel muscles? If so, how much weight do you use, and what do you do?


With the muscle that you are developing with Kegels, it is conceivable to build this muscle only doing the exercises. I can strengthen my muscles in the vagina simply by doing Kegels. And the last time I checked, I can’t lift weights with my vagina. So yes, you can do kegels and get stronger and not lift weights.

Oh yeah, welcome to Thunders.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

The point of Dr. Kegel’s exercise (read this if you haven’t already) is to tone the muscle, not enlarge it. Some guys think resistance training will improve things, but most find simple squeezing exercises are enough.

I guess that’s not surprising since resistance training probably will increase the size of the muscles involved. Can you feel any difference in the space between your scrotum and anus? It may not grow enough to tell by feel, but you’ve shown that it does contribute something positive to the experience of ejaculation. Thanks for the info.


Man, you must check your threads frequently!

Thanks for the quick reply.

I remember reading some account where these old Italian men were teasing a young guy about that they could stay much harder longer while making love than he could, even though they were much older. I don’t remember how the topic came up, but the bottom line was they said until you could hang a wet bath towel on an erection and keep it up, you weren’t exercising your BC properly!

I guess what they would do is hang lite towels on their erections and do their kagels, and slowly use heavier towels.

Its been a long time and I might have aspects of the story wrong, but imagine if you could hang a wet bath towel off your hard dick and actually be able to flex it…holy crap batman! You could hurt someone with that!

Anyway the story gave me the idea that progressive strength training for the BC is good, and I’ll tell you, it sure makes a huge difference in erectile hardness and ejaculatory force. And no, I can’t really perceive an increase in size of the muscle, but when I let the strength decrease due to neglect of training I do see a very real decrease in those parameters.


I found a new way to increase the resistence on a kagel…perhaps more natural!

In the past I would pull my unit straight up or out and try to kagel it in or tug it back against resistence.

What I’ve been doing lately, which seems to be more in line with its natural tendency, is to jelque to get a fair amount of blood in the penis, then hold the jelque or clamp with the jelquing hand, then squeeze with the other hand.

I then kagel against the increase pressure as my increased resistence.

This actually trains the BC to increase erectile force in a more natural way than pulling out against resistence!

The effect has been even harder erections.


sparky, after reading your post three times, I still have no idea what it is you are doing to increase the resistance.

Does frequent sex have influence on the muscle tone? I know after having sex/ejaculating, the muscle is quite fatigued.

And by tone I really mean strength.

P.S, if you want a really intense PC muscle workout, get a urinary infection! I had one and have never worked it that hard! Definitely not a recommended approach:)


There are a two basic categories for strengthening your BC;

1) Contracting your bc against no resistance.
This is either done by doing multiple contraction with a squeeze-release approach, or a squeeze-hold-release. Many do a mixed version of this.

2) Contracting against resistance.
Resistance and be applied by pulling you unit straight away from your body and kageling against the outward pull. Remember, as you kagel, the penis “tugs” in toward the base of the penis.

The new one ( to me anyway) is instead of pulling the penis outward, you squeeze it.

The squeeze expands the BC muscle, and kageling it, contracts it.

So you are again contracting against resistance, but generating a more natural force of resistance than pulling.

It seems to be more along the lines that it was designed to function.



Any muscle that is worked to fatigue, will be temporarily weaker. If you let that muscle recover completely from that fatigue, it will be stronger than before.

This is the principle behind weight training.

If your BC is fatigued after sex (how do you know that?), then let it recover before restressing it, and it will be stronger.

If sex is fatiguing your BC, then it is probably weak and you would benefit greatly from doing kagels.


Originally Posted by sparkyx

What I’ve been doing lately, which seems to be more in line with its natural tendency, is to jelque to get a fair amount of blood in the penis, then hold the jelque or clamp with the jelquing hand, then squeeze with the other hand.

I then kagel against the increase pressure as my increased resistence.

This actually trains the BC to increase erectile force in a more natural way than pulling out against resistence!


So you jelq up some pressure (lets say with the right hand), clamp to keep the blood in and squeeze with your left hand, placing it above the clamp? And then you release your right-hand clamp to press the blood with your left hand down towards the base while kegeling?

Otherwise you would do just fine with jelqing up some pressure, clamp and kegel against the clamp?



Actually, I’ve made it even simpler…

Just get hard, then squeeze my unit (with my hand), hold the squeeze… then kagel against the additional pressure.

I find a ten second kagel hold is good, I’ll so about 3-6 sets, it has produced amazing erectile hardness ( if I haven’t overdone my PE).

You can squeeze harder as your BC gets stronger, or just do more sets or longer holds.


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