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Kegel questions

Kegel questions

I’ve been doing kegels for a few months, haven’t really noticed much of a difference, maybe a little extra “shooting power”, but looking to stiffen up my erections as much as possible..

I’ve been told that fewer, long squeezes are best, but would it be best to semi-tense for lets say like 2 minutes, or really grind down on it for maybe only 20-30 seconds?

Also how many should I do /day for good results?


I found that when I did them on my spare time, a little went a long way. In class I would just do them. Just doing non stops of 10, slow and firm kegels. Then I got more detailed. Doing routines such as 50 holding each for 5 seconds. Those I actually spread out into sets. I did 5 sets of 10, resting in between each set.

6.0 x 5.0 BPEL

Resting is just as important as the squeeze itself. Make sure you relax everything at the end of a squeeze.

Originally Posted by hohey2002
I found that when I did them on my spare time, a little went a long way. In class I would just do them. Just doing non stops of 10, slow and firm kegels. Then I got more detailed. Doing routines such as 50 holding each for 5 seconds. Those I actually spread out into sets. I did 5 sets of 10, resting in between each set.

6.0 x 5.0 BPEL

In class.. thats a good idea! Why didnt I think of that? And that brings me to my next point. Since I go to College in my hometown I live with my parentals. Which gives me barely any time as it is to do my PE. When I step it up in a few months and maybe do hanging I will only have about 30 min in the morning and maybe 30 in the afternoon. Put aside 10 for warm up for each thats only 40min total… can people see gains from only 40 min of hanging? Or would you have to use lots of wieght or what? I dont know if I want to fabricate an ADS… I would feel weird walking around campus with the fear of it comming off or someone seeing it. But I guess if I had to I would. I plan on hanging for a few months and then clamping after I get a good length.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

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