Kegels are ruining my penis.
What good is a penis, of any size, if you can’t use it? This is the problem currently facing me, because I have developed premature ejaculation do to kegels. I was able to last for hours with edging before I ever did kegels. Now, I can’t edge, not even once, and I am done, after LITERALLY 4 strokes. I was done at 4 strokes.
I’m lost, and I’m actually really depressed right now to even be mad, which I’ve seldom felt. Without kegels, I don’t have a usuable penis. With kegels, I have an unusable penis. Reverse kegels don’t work, because there is no middle ground due to kegels. It goes from normal to ejaculation without any warning, almost instantly. I just need some help, because I don’t know what to do.