Kinda,Sorta New to all of this
Hello Okey so hear is the case I just want a longer penis I really don’t care about the thickness really I’m 7 inches flat when errected and 5’8 when I’m not errected I meaured with wooden ruler I’m skinny and 6’3 or 6’4 tall and 18 years of age I took a dick pic all the time and send it to my long distance girl friend and she be so amazed like she be saying its big but I actually feel like she be just telling me that it is just because she is inlove with me intell one follwoing late night I miss and showed a female friend of mines my penis pic by accident and I was.. So embarrased becaues I thought she was actually going make fun of me but she then comment saying I shocked her because it was big lool and oily yeah I oil my dick when taking dick pics and then I was like may be it is then because I can be taking 1 to 10 penis pics for my self only or look at the mirror with a errected penis looking from the sides and stuff to see if its really big I’m not stressed about it but I just want it to be like 8 or 7’11 inches or what ever I just want do it for me basically becaues I feel like the height I have make it appear that its small to me and not to females I shown I guess, but here are the questions I saw one of a videos in the newbie forums showing you on how to get a long penis with jelg so I try few times but I have not been like dedicated towards it Like I be taking hot showers in the day time and cold and sometimes when I do I get to aroused and start to masturbate and can masturbation while jegl enlarging mess up your growh I usually jelg a little then masturbate most of the time
But can I get any legnth if I jelg with lub and low 0% errected penis, cause when I jelg I don’t know when I’m at 40% or 50% errected so some help and right after I a take a hot shower I jelg right after for 6 mins and then go to sleep and don’t do it the next day so can someone help me with all of this and the kegels and penis streaches is a must when you trying to get a enalrge penis? I’m going to start fresh the next week and stop masturbating cause I really trynng to get like 8 inch penis or something larger then 7 flat like 8’5 or something and I’m uncircumsise and I get a little extra meat under my penis is that a turky neck when I usualy jelg I hold it at the base then pull with the other hand can I do that as well I’m really kinda sorta new to this and do most of yall really just jelg with out using pills or cream and how long did most of yall did it to get length like 2 months 1 ?