Thunder's Place

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Lazzy F*cking Noobs!!

I’m a newb, I wasn’t offended. I got a giggle out of it. :shrug:

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Originally Posted by Veesel

IMO Newbies are abused on any forum you first join. I look at it as a rite of passage. This haranguing and browbeating is a time-honored tradition on message boards. In all honesty it does serve a useful function, as constant embarrassment seems to go a long way toward teaching some of our more hardheaded brethren to fall in line with forum guidelines. Not to mention the fact that there are limits to the time and effort Mods can put in saying, “no this goes here, that goes there, and please use the search function.” Let the whipping continue I say, the forums shed some dead weight this way, which increases the quality of our time spent here. I will gladly submit to this for sake of continuing to learn new things.

Nobody should be whipped or embarressed for anything especially information it sounds to me like you are lonely and are dieing to be accepted by a group of your peers. Don’t belittle yourself. And you vets don’t you think you can get to newbs better witha little kindness and understanding, and if thats beyond you or don’t want to take the time then maybe you guys have been at this for far too long and need to let someone else take over as MODs. I think I hear a green pasture calling.. Just mho. :)

Originally Posted by 789

No he’s not. He is definately laughing AT them.


I figure iamaru is just trying to warm them up.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Here! Here! Belowab.

It’s about time someone had the courage to stand up to these bullies and put them in their places.

I was just saying to myself, “Self, the forum hasn’t had a preachy, whiny, know-it-all poster for a long long time.”

Yea, no shit. It must have been a whole 48 hours since we’ve had one of our members tell us the error of our ways.

Thankyou, Belwav. You’re a breath of fresh air.
By the way, have you met Rue and Tit, yet? They’re the two guys in leotards swinging from the chandeliers. I’m the one barking at the moon. Nice to meat you.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Originally Posted by belowav
Nobody should be whipped or embarressed for anything especially information it sounds to me like you are lonely and are dieing to be accepted by a group of your peers. Don’t belittle yourself. And you vets don’t you think you can get to newbs better witha little kindness and understanding, and if thats beyond you or don’t want to take the time then maybe you guys have been at this for far too long and need to let someone else take over as MODs. I think I hear a green pasture calling.. Just mho. :)

You are soooo right! All I want is a little acceptance or maybe someone to rub my belly or pat my head! Are you picking up my sarcasm? Thank you for one of the most condescending things ever said to me! This one gets logged in my book as at least one of the top five asshat remarks ever. I am not contrary to your statement dying for acceptance. I do however realize that in this endeavor I have chosen to be part of a community and in that respect am accepting the rules of that community. If I feel wronged I do not hesitate to defend myself or my position, if I am wrong I accept that as my mistake and attempt to correct it for myself and nobody else. I am not belittling myself; you on the other hand are doing your best to belittle me. Fine since you know me so well, and feel comfortable making comments on my character I shall answer in kind. I believe you to be an anal retentive control freak with a penchant towards self aggrandizement by way of placing yourself as superior to others when in reality, you are a contrary individual who disagrees for the sake of disagreement regardless of the merits of the idea or viewpoint given. And last but not least severely lacking in a sense of humor! This is rather fun! Would you like to continue to round two before we are both banned. Just mho. ;)

P.S. Nobody ever said the newbs had to take it lying down.

P.P.S. Nobody would be whipped or embarrassed if they took the time to read things plainly stated.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. I was Comtemplating the immortal words of Socrates, who said "I drank what!?". Start May 2005 6.5" BPEL - 6" NBPEL - 5" eg June 2005 6.75" BPEL - 6.25" NBPEL - 5" eg August 2005 7.125" BPEL - 6.5" NBPEL - 5" eg

Extra points for the correct usage of the term asshat
Degree of difficulty: 8
Execution: 9
Timing: 6

Overall, very well done.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Do we whip newbies? I thought we took pretty good care of them. “Course maybe I have my head up my ass, I do that on occasion.


These T shirts must have a curse on them or something, I’m having a hard fucking time giving them away even. Last of that idea for me.

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Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Ramrod
Nice to meat you.

;) If that’s not a typo- I’m in love :thats:

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by belowav
Hi I’m a lazy f*cking newb, sorry I couldn’t vote as there wasn’t a “None of the above” button once this problem is solved I will definately try to pick my lazy f*cking nooby @ss up and click that button. Thanks for your time.
Oh by the way if this thread was supposed to be in humour, I have failed to see it but I have seen how you guys treat newbies here and I bet you already know this but it’s appalling.
Just my 2 cents :)

Let me get this straight, because you feel offended, you’re going to insult all the people nominated on that poll? By saying you want to vote for “None of the Above” (Brewster’s Millions), you’re implying that everyone on that list is crap at what they do, and what is that?…..Helping people like yourself. Anyone else hear that bullet he just planted into his foot?

This thread was a humorous one with the intent of getting people to realize the importance of voting in that poll. I think it got the job done, because voting went up 500% after it was made.

The only time newbies are reprimanded is when they don’t follow the forum guidelines and forum procedures. They are told repeatedly to use the search function, and lack of use of that function comes to embarrassment. It is no different then punishing a disobeying child when he acts out. It is called negative reinforcement and it is quite necessary. Don’t be mistaken, this policy isn’t just for newbies; it applies to everyone. Go look my file up, it doesn’t stop when you reach senior membership, I assure you. :)

I suggest calming down, and letting this little incident roll down your back like dirt off your shoulder. We’re all family here, so let’s act like it. ;)

Hey ,I am a noob and I took time to vote!! I also use the search engine to find answers to most of my questions so go easy on some of us noobs…..

and yes I am laughing too

Originally Posted by memno
Hey ,I am a noob and I took time to vote!! I also use the search engine to find answers to most of my questions so go easy on some of us noobs…..

and yes I am laughing too

It is very much appreciated, but don’t feel bad to ask questions if you can’t find the answers on your own.

You have such a level-head, must be the fact you’re from Indiana.

Originally Posted by xlmagnum

You have such a level-head, must be the fact you’re from Indiana.

laugh out loud shhh do not tell anyone but I am from Texas I am just living in Indiana for the job.

but I have found 98% of all my questions have been answered already and the 2% that has not is just because I have not thought of them yet .
but all you Vets have very usefull information and I am lucky to have found such a great place to learn and hang (and I do mean hang) out at .

For all the other Noobs that read this just take your time read each post and gain the knowledge from the entire board.
when I first got into PE i swore I would never hang anything from my unit now I am hang 15 to 25 lbs from all the insight I have gained just from keeping an open mind and reading the do’s and don’ts


You guys are hard on newbies


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