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Length AND girth exercises. advisable

Length AND girth exercises. advisable

Hello, I was wondering if it is advisable to focus on girth and length exercises at the same time. Will this hinder results in both areas or will they both benefit from each other or is this just too much for the penis. I’m not talking super hardcore girth exercises, I just mean higher erection jelqing and some squeezing. Thanks much!

Mrwheel2, here are a few similar threads that might help answer your question:

Does Big Girth Kill Length Gains? ModestoMan Main Member Forum
Length Gains From Girth Exercises Mr. Fantastic Main Member Forum
Girth Exercises For Length Gains? Veesel Main Member Forum
Would length exercises diminish girth exercises Jesse Main Member Forum
Length and Girth Exercises (which comes first?)

You, being a newbie, should do the newbie routine for 3 months and then start worrying about this.

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