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Would length exercises diminish girth exercises

Would length exercises diminish girth exercises

I’m currently trying to add to my girth and I was wondering would it be better to take away the length exercises ( stretching )

And add more girth exercises or just keep stretching and add another girth exercise ( like horse440’s ) ?

Would I have more success in girth gaining with just girth exercises. Or would it be just as effective with both?

Sorry if it’s hard to understand. My brain isn’t working very well.

Stretching constricts bloodflow so maybe it would be easier to gain girth with just girth exercises. Keep jelqing as a part of your routine though since this works on length as well and won’t stop blood flowing.

By the way, what is your routine that got you your gains?

I don’t think manual stretching is going to take away from your girth routine. As a matter of fact, a lot of guys that concentrate on length by hanging, often report girth gains as well.

Take a look at Girth Blasters as an advanced jelq technique for girth:

Girth Blasters New Jelq Technique

Thanks for the replies everyone.

My routine is a modified Newbie routine.

15 mins stretching in all directions, Jelqing at 80% for 15 mins.

Horse 440’s for about 5 mins, I also did some erect bending (very carefully).

But what I believe to be my key to success (with length) are lig pops. Whenever I PE, the next day I always wake up with a 120% hard on. So then I used to gently press (nothing stupid or anything) my dick to near parallel to the floor and I always got a lig pop, I’ve been having 2 or more a day. It’s been frowned upon by the experts tho, but I’m fine and have no injury’s or pain, just a near inch of extra dick.

I hope this helped and good luck. Jesse

Cool Jesse, thanks for sharing your routine.

I’ve only ever had a few lig pops and they always happen during sex! Never during PE! They scare the hell out of my girlfriend. Has anyone else experienced this?

Look into the rubberband theory.

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