Thunder's Place

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I have good length but my girth sucks. Help!

I have good length but my girth sucks. Help!

Hey. I am pretty happy with my length but my girth is terrible compared to the length. What are good girth exercises that are safe for a beginner besides jelqing. Thanks.

7.4 nbpel x 4.75 eg

8.5 nbpel x 5.75 eg

LOT: 8:30

Well, none really. It depends how new you are.

I mean, some excellent manual girth exercises include the various squeezes you can do. However, it’s quite easy to go overboard with these and cause some damage.

My advice would be to carry on jelqing (and whatever else you do, stretching etc.) until your unit is more conditioned, then mix in kegels with your jelqs to up the intensity, and then up to squeezes (do a search for the various squeezes you can do).

Lastly, a desperate attitude i.e. “my girth sucks. Help!” is a dangerous one to have in conjunction with being new to PE; over-zealousness could cause you to injure yourself.

So I recommend you take your time; you have excellent length, I would be happy to stop at 7.5” NBPEL (especially with my fat pad my BPEL would be great! Lol) and most people it seems find girth easier than length, so welcome to easy street! Stroll, don’t run and you’ve got less chance of falling. <—- What a crap analogy

You get the idea.

And welcome to the forum!

Once your dick becomes a little more conditioned, you could try pumping. Read thru Pumping 101 and see if it interests you.

Good luck


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I would not say your girth is “terrible”. Now, there are very effective girth exercises in this forum. You could contact me in case you couldn¨t find them.

Good luck,



Remember, this is a forum, not an instant messenger service.


Once you have some PE time in and your dick has become used to the workouts, you can move on to the more advanced exercises. These are NOT newbie exercises, so don’t hurt yourself by doing too much, too soon.

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