Length, girth and curve.
Hey, me again :D
Anyways, I have been doing the newbie routine for roughly 6 months now with no real gains except MINOR semi erect girth. So basically I am willing to buy a size genetics extender and bathmate pump.
I am currently still at 7” x 4.6” and with that being said, I am insecure with my girth (and a leftward twisted counter clock wise curve) By using said devices and basic jelqing and stretches do you guys think I could “cure” my curve? Also, should I use both at the same time or would one cancel out the other? Lastly, my goal is 8- 8.5 x 6-6.3.. How long do you guys think that would take and how realistic would it be?( Also how long would 8x6 take/how realistic?)