Girlfriends come and go. Your dick is with you for life. PE for yourself and don’t base it on anyone else’s needs!
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Girlfriends come and go. Your dick is with you for life. PE for yourself and don’t base it on anyone else’s needs!
I think for some guys, especially after newbie gains tail off, it is increasingly difficult to stay motivated to do enough and they lose motivation.
Regarding those who don’t see results of any sort, it would be interesting to do a poll to see the percentage of Thunders members who have no results.
Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.
As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.
Going for the magic 8"x6"
I just dont understand how it is that one can gain a drastic rate and another gains nothing, same routine, same days, same everything….Makes no sense. I don’t mean to sound like a burn but it really sucks hearing about everyone else successes and I never have any to share. What is hard for me to understand is how can it be so many different things that affecting on one spot??? Lets say you go to the gym and work out on your arms, say you curl 100 lbs and you get huge arms after doing the work out for a couple or weeks/months. You have another guy that goes to the gym and does half of the weight you do but does more and his arms after a couple of weeks/months get bigger(not as big as the first guy) but more firm….My thing is at the end of the day the penis is a muscle right? Well why is that If I try this routine or that routine with this much force or this much force I always get the same results every single time…that’s why I am starting to think pe is full of shit for 1, or it is only for certain people for 2.
I promised myself I would devote an entire year to it trying new things with different ways of doing it. I am finishing up the noob routine(which for some reason everyone seems to gain huge numbers with yet I saw not even a cunt hair of girth or length) and after that Ill just jump to whatever i guess. I don’t know frustration.
After doing the newbie routine you are free to do any of the more advanced exercises.
My advice would be to rip into some hanging and find renewed motivation, and we’ll support you.
My personal belief is that it takes years and rare dedication to get results past the newbie phase, and many never make the transition mentally to accepting PE as a lifestyle as much as for making your dick bigger.
Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.
As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.
Going for the magic 8"x6"
Cookie tree - you are not alone. Many have had meager or no gains. I can’t explain it. I started messing with it after just reading about PE. After a few months of literally fooling around with my dick I noticed it was longer and measure it. 1/4”. I joined Thunders and grew a lot in the first 6 months. I don’t know if I will continue to grow but I still work at it. Try different routines and pressures, post heat, grips, clamping, hanging? I wouldn’t give up if I seriously wanted more than I have. Perseverance may be the biggest test. Check out the member pic forum and see how hard and long someone like Houstonwoods or Titleist have been at it. There are many here if you search and read. And believe what you want but it isn’t crap! I know personally that it works.
THIS^^^^ I can’t help but think that healthy eating habits might play a role, or maybe others eat considerable unheaalthy in comparison to others.. Like its been stated many times, the same routines don’t always work for the same individuals. There is always that happy medium that people need to find, am I not working it enough, or am I over working it? Either can hinder growth.
***scratches head***
I guess time will just tell. thanks for the input.
My thing is at the end of the day the penis is a muscle right?
There is smooth muscle tissue in your penis, but that is not the same as the muscle in your arm, so it reacts differently than traditional bodybuilding mentality would expect.
Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!
OldAisian - could you explain the wrench? Any more detail you could give on the ADS would be appreciated.
Sure, I use a small wrench that weighs about two pounds. One end of the wrench has a socket (a hole) that I tie a larger rubber band to. I grab a standard size of paper towel, fold it in half, then fold that in half so I’m left with a long strip of paper towel. I then wrap my penis with this paper towel (it wraps around twice). I then proceed to wrap the paper towel around my penis with the elastic band. There elastic goes around maybe 5-6 times. The elastic is not super tight at any one point, but all the wraps around provide just enough hold to keep the ADS on.
See this is what I am talking about, I don’t understand how someone like me and many other members can do the same thing and see no results, but this guy comes in and gains over 2 inches in under 4 months? It almost seems fake to be honest. Like either PE is fake or the user if fake. I find it difficult to believe I can PE for 3 months see positive PI’s nearly the entire time and gain ZERO.. Why is this? There has to be a logical explanation for this??
Well, just to clarify.. I gained just over 1 inch in less than four months. The other inch+ took considerably longer to gain. I can definitely attribute some of the gains to improved EQ and some of the gains to the fact that I lost some weight (15lbs). The weight loss may not have played a huge role however, because I always measure using BPEL. Before actually starting any PE, I did nothing but read about PE (tips, scientific theory, techniques, anecdotal evidence, etc) for about a month. I became quite knowledgeable about the subject, which made listening to my body a lot easier to do. I encourage everyone to listen to their body when performing PE. The best technique is not necessarily what gives other people results.. For me, I knew that improved EQ, nocturnal erections, and a lack of pain were signs that I was doing things right. It is imperative that you adjust your routine to match your body.
Girlfriends come and go. Your dick is with you for life. PE for yourself and don’t base it on anyone else’s needs!
That’s probably true for a lot of people. I’ve been dating my girlfriend since I was 19 years old and I’m almost 26 now. We bought a house together and put our bank accounts together. I see a proposal on the horizon.
I just don’t understand how it is that one can gain a drastic rate and another gains nothing, same routine, same days, same everything.. Makes no sense. I don’t mean to sound like a burn but it really sucks hearing about everyone else successes and I never have any to share. What is hard for me to understand is how can it be so many different things that affecting on one spot?? Lets say you go to the gym and work out on your arms, say you curl 100 lbs and you get huge arms after doing the work out for a couple or weeks/months. You have another guy that goes to the gym and does half of the weight you do but does more and his arms after a couple of weeks/months get bigger(not as big as the first guy) but more firm.. My thing is at the end of the day the penis is a muscle right? Well why is that If I try this routine or that routine with this much force or this much force I always get the same results every single time.that’s why I am starting to think PE is full of shit for 1, or it is only for certain people for 2.I promised myself I would devote an entire year to it trying new things with different ways of doing it. I am finishing up the noob routine(which for some reason everyone seems to gain huge numbers with yet I saw not even a cunt hair of girth or length) and after that Ill just jump to whatever I guess. I don’t know frustration.
I’ll jump on the bandwagon and agree that everyone is different (now that’s a confusing sentence). I think someone may have mentioned diet.. I started eating healthier and exercising more right as I was getting into PE. I don’t know if this has been discussed in length here before, but I believe there is a strong correlation between exercise (especially cardio) and penis size gains. Perhaps testosterone production is responsible or something. You made a point about going to the gym and maybe this is rubbing it in too much, but I also put on muscle quickly. I very rarely go to the gym. I have probably gone less than 5 times in my life. I think I put on muscle faster than other people and the last time I was at the gym (probably 3 years ago) I was able to do almost the same routine as my buddy who goes twice a week. Maybe this is also a factor. I can absolutely say that PE is not full of shit, I have my own proof of that every day. If you want me to go over your routine with you, maybe try to find out why nothing is working, I would be willing to do that. Feel free to message me with a detailed routine and maybe you’ll start to get some gains!
Observation about what women notice when you grow. I knew my wife was having bigger and better orgasms and I saw her staring absent mindedly at my cock. I cheated on her with my old fiance’. We were together for 7 years prior to meeting my wife. After we split up she became a Dr. Of OB/GYN. I told my ex about growing my cock and she agreed it was bigger than she remembered. I gave her multiple orgasms and had squirt the bed full twice. On one of those times she wanted me to stop because she had to pee. I explained to my GYN how her pussy and G spot were just getting ready to squirt and continued until she squirted. She agreed with my explanation of how the fluid builds up and makes her feel like she was going to pee. Now I have cut ties with her and am patching my marriage back together. I confessed to my wife how she made me feel small and unwanted by not wanting to have sex and she said it was to make me not worry about my ED!! I told her about growing my dick and she said she had noticed it was bigger. (She never said anything to that effect before) She claims she thought I was jacking off because she wasn’t putting out enough. We laughed and I showed her what PE I had done. (I never disclosed Thunder’s) The point is… My wife who I thought was not very observant of my dick had known I was growing! I say we should always try to talk to the women in our lives. I don’t think we read them as well as we think we do! Good luck guys!
Maybe I didn’t mention this before, but although my girlfriend has never said anything about the size of my penis changing, there has most definitely been a change in the bedroom. She is now able to orgasm without clitoral stimulation (albeit not frequently). I’ve never made her squirt ever anyways. She seems to.. Ahem.. Verbally demonstrate enjoyment in regards to the depth of penetration.
You are going to get discoloration and dark spots from time to time. It’s natural.. Sometimes breaks are needed though if you are getting really low EQ and detrimental damage is being done. You have to hang for years. It’s not like you do it for a year and you are there. It takes time..
Starting BPEL 7x5 in 2011
Current BPEL 8x6.5 in 2013
Great gains, I believe you.
Everyone is different and there is so many things to consider that could make someone gain or not. Health reasons, smoking, healing ability, food consumed, strength of stretch (To hard or to Soft), to many stretches or not enough, To many jelqs or not enough, No warmup, not enough days off, to many days off. You get my point.
OldAsianDriver could have just found the right amount of everything and struck gold, Infact he could have 80% of it right and could have gained more if he hit 100% but Its something you can’t know. You have to try these things to find out. Half your routine could be doing nothing but the other half is giving gains.
Anyway rant over, well done OldAsianDriver.