Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Less than 4 months in, should I retire already

Twice a day? Now that’s commitment.


Sept 2020 BPEL 16.5-17.5 cm, BPFLS 17.5-18 cm. Clamped x4+ BPEL 18-19 cm. Head girth 12.5 cm, MSG 16 cm, BG 16.5 to 18 cm

Goal is 21 cm BPEL, 20 cm EL, 15 cm head girth.

More than a 1 inch gain in 3 months. Hard to believe.

PE and gym 4 life.BPEL-8.3 MSEG-5.7

Part of me wishes I took pictures, not that I would post them here, but just so that I had a before and after picture. All I can say is that I used to be average in size, and I no longer think I’m even close to average. I agree that these gains can be hard to believe, but I really have no reason to lie to you. I’m not going to try and sell you anything, in fact my routine requires nothing but some lube and your own two hands. I’m posting because this place has been an excellent resource for me and I feel it’s only right to give back what I’ve learned along the way.

I thought you were going to quit before, lol. PE is not easy to quit. Great gains man. Did that lady ever say anything?

Originally Posted by kingron
More than a 1 inch gain in 3 months. Hard to believe.

It is funny how we all want the big gains but when someone reports them we become doubting Thomas’ . You are correct that it is hard to believe because it is not the norm, that doesn’t mean it is impossible and for every few hundred that don’t make gains like that someone does, why cant he be the one. I am not arguing with you at all, just saying that there are some that will gain faster. Much of the gains were probably due to EQ. I was 44 when I started and even though my EQ was good in my opinion I learned over three months that it could be better. I gained 3 quarters of an inch in three months so I can believe that someone out there could gain more than me.

Add that to the fact that many new guys may not measure correctly in the beginning, put an inch gain in the mix and you may show up with an inch and a half of gains, who cares why or what happened, a gain is a gain. I would take another big gain due to EQ, when I dropped my pants after 3 months of PE and was 3 quarters longer I felt 3 quarters longer and I didn’t care why.

Originally Posted by bigee
It is funny how we all want the big gains but when someone reports them we become doubting Thomas’ . You are correct that it is hard to believe because it is not the norm, that doesn’t mean it is impossible and for every few hundred that don’t make gains like that someone does, why can’t he be the one. I am not arguing with you at all, just saying that there are some that will gain faster. Much of the gains were probably due to EQ. I was 44 when I started and even though my EQ was good in my opinion I learned over three months that it could be better. I gained 3 quarters of an inch in three months so I can believe that someone out there could gain more than me.

Add that to the fact that many new guys may not measure correctly in the beginning, put an inch gain in the mix and you may show up with an inch and a half of gains, who cares why or what happened, a gain is a gain. I would take another big gain due to EQ, when I dropped my pants after 3 months of PE and was 3 quarters longer I felt 3 quarters longer and I didn’t care why.

I agree.

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination"

Start (Again) 19-09-2015 Lengh15.5cm / 6.1inchBPEL , EG aproxcimate 13cm / 4.95inch

Goal BPEL 7 inch 18 cm EG 5.5inch Work Hard, Gain Hard

Originally Posted by OldAsianDriver
I’m not going to try and sell you anything, in fact my routine requires nothing but some lube and your own two hands.


You just convinced me one more time in my opinion that going fully “manual” but with high dedication and commitment is fully sufficient to be successful!
The only thing you “sell” is is your enthusiasm and the joy over your gains.

I personally do not need a visual proof, I simply believe you. And why would you tell us something that does not work?
You had a success and it’s over long-term, which in my humble opinion is much more convincing than the ” hey I’ve added 1 inch in 2 weeks” proofs.
Your are absolutely credible to me.

Originally Posted by OldAsianDriver
I’m posting because this place has been an excellent resource for me and I feel it’s only right to give back what I’ve learned along the way.

Well, that is the simplest and best way to thank Thundersplace - the routine publication!

So a big thank you back to you for this story!

Last question:
You’ve already been asked but what was the impact of this steady gains on your relationship?
Just being curious…

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Hi guys,

The lady has actually not verbally mentioned anything to me about it. She is a nurse and I don’t even think she believes it medically possible to enlarge a penis without surgery. I have stealthed this entire time for fear of being ridiculed. As far as getting caught goes.. She has seen my lube in the bathroom a couple of times and asked me about it. I told her it was for ‘touching myself’ which is technically not a lie (but I’m also not exactly masturbating). I’ve been pretty careful about not leaving behind evidence, although my routine does not really require any other materials. The ADS I just started using unassembled is a wrench, an elastic band, and some paper towel. I always unassemble it right after use so she would never think twice about it.

So.. With that being said, although she has never mentioned anything, I have certainly noticed a different in our sex life. Someone said that my early gains can be attributed to an EQ improvement. I think this is absolutely true. My EQ has gone up through the roof as a result of PE. I have more stamina in bed and am able to control my orgasms easier. Sex just feels better because she is tighter. Also I started hitting her cervix a little bit and she really enjoys it as long as I don’t thrust too hard.

The one bad thing about this is blowjobs. She used to be able to fit most of my penis in her mouth, she cannot get even half of it in anymore. Also teeth start to become a factor.

Overall worth it though!

It’s amazing how the human brain works. I don’t know specifically how much volume you have increased, but your girlfriend has never noticed a significant change over time. I guess gradual increase can be unnoticeable.

Originally Posted by mizguy12
It’s amazing how the human brain works. I don’t know specifically how much volume you have increased, but your girlfriend has never noticed a significant change over time. I guess gradual increase can be unnoticeable.

Yeah, definitely amazing. According to my calculations, that was a slight increase from 12.5 to 25.3 cubic inches or a little 102% in plus.
But if it’s slow, it seems to be nearly unnoticeable. Good news for all the stealth PE-bros here :-)

And for all of us a real motivating example!

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

OldAisian - could you explain the wrench? Any more detail you could give on the ADS would be appreciated.

Observation about what women notice when you grow. I knew my wife was having bigger and better orgasms and I saw her staring absent mindedly at my cock. I cheated on her with my old fiance’. We were together for 7 years prior to meeting my wife. After we split up she became a Dr. of OB/GYN. I told my ex about growing my cock and she agreed it was bigger than she remembered. I gave her multiple orgasms and had squirt the bed full twice. On one of those times she wanted me to stop because she had to pee. I explained to my GYN how her pussy and G spot were just getting ready to squirt and continued until she squirted. She agreed with my explanation of how the fluid builds up and makes her feel like she was going to pee. Now I have cut ties with her and am patching my marriage back together. I confessed to my wife how she made me feel small and unwanted by not wanting to have sex and she said it was to make me not worry about my ED!!! I told her about growing my dick and she said she had noticed it was bigger. (She never said anything to that effect before) She claims she thought I was jacking off because she wasn’t putting out enough. We laughed and I showed her what PE I had done. (I never disclosed Thunder’s) The point is… my wife who I thought was not very observant of my dick had known I was growing! I say we should always try to talk to the women in our lives. I don’t think we read them as well as we think we do! Good luck guys!

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

See this is what I am talking about, I don’t understand how someone like me and many other members can do the same thing and see no results, but this guy comes in and gains over 2 inches in under 4 months? It almost seems fake to be honest. Like either PE is fake or the user if fake. I find it difficult to believe I can pe for 3 months see positive PI’s nearly the entire time and gain ZERO….Why is this? There has to be a logical explanation for this???

cookie tree - you are not alone. Many have had meager or no gains. I can’t explain it. I started messing with it after just reading about PE. After a few months of literally fooling around with my dick I noticed it was longer and measure it. 1/4”. I joined Thunders and grew a lot in the first 6 months. I don’t know if I will continue to grow but I still work at it. Try different routines and pressures, post heat, grips, clamping, hanging? I wouldn’t give up if I seriously wanted more than I have. Perseverance may be the biggest test. check out the member pic forum and see how hard and long someone like Houstonwoods or Titleist have been at it. There are many here if you search and read. And believe what you want but it isn’t crap! I know personally that it works.

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.


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