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Lig almost like cartilage

Lig almost like cartilage

Ok, so I curve to the left, and on the left side which I only noticed when I just started PEing there is a long stiff piece of something. I’m guessing it’s a ligament but it is so hard it feels like cartilage or something. It hurts alot when I do stretches to the right (hence putting strain on the left) and I can even pinch my fingers in there and grab a hold of it firmly. Also I cannot find anything like this on the other side.

Anyway, my question is this: am I right in assuming that it is a stiff/tense ligament and is responsible for the curve to the left that I have? Should it loosen up quickly with regular stretches? Could it be a sign of possible quick gains (since it is so tense)?

Thanks all

I’m not sure I understand your description, but have you looked into Peyronies ?

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Sounds like you may have some scar tissue. Take a look at the link Para-Goomba gave you.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Hmm. I don’t think it is that. It’s like a long thin muscle or ligament or even a vein that reaches form the base to the head. But it’s just so tense that it has the feeling of cartilage (you know like the soft bone in your nose and behind your ankle).

It could be a badly thrombosed vein. Have you looked at the thrombosis thread thumbtacked in the Injuries forum?

You can always ask a doctor about it if you’re concerned.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

No, it’s not a thrombosis vein. I have the exact same thing kingja. It’s almost like a tendon, and when you stretch it gets really tight. It’s also pretty thin, like a violin string. Mine is on the left as well. I have no idea what it is. I’ve been trying to figure it out for a couple of weeks now. I’ll let you know if I find anything.


RTG, I have a couple of those. The urologist didn’t really know for sure what they were — thought they could possibly be thrombosed veins — but told me to disregard them so long as there was no pain.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Thanks RTG. Do you also curve to the left? I’m trying to figure out if these to things are linked (I.e. Curve and tendon).

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