Originally Posted by damagedgoods
It’s been a little over 4 months. Being alternately minded as I be I’m not one to trust the medical world. I haven’t been to a doctor for years besides getting blood tests done. I fix myself usually by natural methods. I might try the l-carnitine. I know of a men’s health doctor that treats ED, he charges a lot but I’ll go see him as soon as I am able. I just feel like after I’ve spent another thousand they’ll tell me there’s nothing they can do except send me to a psych for counselling but I suppose it’s worth a try.
I am not against alternative health but if you’ve got a severe injury from ANYTHING it’s time to see a doctor. Damage can and often does mount over time. Tissue injured can in fact die, even after the punishing stimuli is long over with. Immediate attention for serious injuries is paramount unless you’re willing to accept the chances of permanent injury and take responsibility for not having done all you can to help yourself.
I understand you do not like doctors. But you can’t very well diagnose yourself because you aren’t a doctor. The longer you wait, the worse it’s likely to be.
Additionally, if you haven’t masturbated for years you likely no idea you were manipulating your penis as hard as you were. Even so, to get nerve damage you’ll feel odd tingles, shooting pain and coldness afterward. I have nerve damage in one of my toes from boots that damaged my left foot and it still will tingle, go cold and act strange. I knew the boots were hurting my foot but I expected them to break in. It just didn’t happen and my issue got worse.
You need medical attention. The penis is several times more complex than a big toe.