There are all kinds of options based on your budget. There are pluses and minuses to every modality and for the different products in each modality.
I like my Best Extender but other guys love the Hog, or the Apex. It’s a matter of taste and budget.
I really like the Total Man Shop products for vacuum hanging setups (cups, sleeves, accordion pump to do the water protection method rather than taping). I also have their compression hanger and compression plate, but I’m not a fan of compression hanging because it takes so long to condition for it and you have to take lots of breaks, which you don’t have to do with vacuum hanging or extending. I have the Total Man extender, too, but it isn’t my favorite, even though it is potentially more stealth than the Best. I have the Total Man desk pulley setup, which is really easy to use.
It might be worth it to check out their online store, since they also have a great video library with lots of good information on all kinds of techniques.
Sometimes I like using a vacuum extender with calibrated springs to know the approximate tension (I use the Best Extender, which has a brand new cool-looking updated model with a built-in digital scale for knowing your exact tension and I think Bluetooth capability to monitor your training from an app).
Sometimes I like to vacuum hang, either with a pulley system under my work from home desk or straight down sitting in a padded shower/toilet chair.
Sometimes I hard clamp with cable cuffs and a mouse pad, sometimes I "hard" clamp with the Python air clamp, sometimes I soft clamp with silicone toe shields.
Sometimes I air pump in a girth-restricted cylinder to target length, sometimes in a wider cylinder to target girth. Sometimes I start in a small cylinder and size up. Sometimes I use my elliptical cylinder to target width. Sometimes I water pump with a cylinder and hand pump, sometimes with my Bathmate.
So you see, there are so many ways to work with different equipment. You can literally pick any or all of these to play around with, depending on your time, interest and budget for PE.
If you have any specific questions about a particular modality then post the inquiry, the more specific the better, and someone here can almost certainly offer some thoughts or good advice. Also use the search about any product or modality you want to learn about, or peruse that section of the forum, since so much has been discussed here over so many years there are bound to be several threads on exactly what you want to learn more about. You might also find inspiration about things you’ve not thought about or heard about before. Happens all the time for me.
Best of luck.