Looking for tips and a Question
Hey all!I`ve been doing PE for like 2-3 months now but I`ve been most consistent in the last month. I am still doing the newbie routine as I want to find out the right way to do jelqs and stretches.. I want to improve and I would appreciete a help in both techniques. First the stretches:Most of the time I don`t get the feeling that I`m doing it right and I always question myself if I am doing anything at all. I usually heat with a heating pad and after that I do around 10 minutes stretching.Now,I`ve seen most of the opinions on LOT theory but I`ve decided to read it just for extra knowledge. According to the theory I have Low LOT which means I should go for BTC and Straight Down and stretching the tunica. I don`t know if any of this is true but the thing that LOT theory helped me to understand is the placement of the LIGS. Now I would like someone to confirm that but is the right feeling of the stretch to feel tension right in front of the pubic bone? The place under which starts the base of the penis? According to the pictures in the theory that is where the Ligs are. After I`ve read this I always try to put more tension there. The only way I can do this if I grip like 1,5-2 inches before the glans and pull then. The concern I have is if I`m not just pulling my skin or something and this is the cause of the tension?
As far as jelqs I am really confused here as well. Sometimes I get the feeling after session that I did the jelqs as I am supposed to and I try to remember every detail of my session so I can do it again. But the next session no matter how much I try I don`t get the same feeling. I must mention that I am doing Dry Jelqs as I find it better for the Stealth PE I`m doing.I`ve re-watched the tutorial video like 20-30 times and try to point out the most important aspects and remember them. I start at the base as much deep as possible and start my way through the glans. I usually count in my mind and try to get to the glans around 4-one thousand(way for me to count the seconds right).After that I try to get back at the base as fast as possible and grip hard to capture the blood. Also I`m not exactly aware of how the whole process of jelqing is done? I mean what really is happening in the penis, why am I doing this exact moves.. Maybe if I understand that this will improve my technique. Usually I use a hard grip which most of the time causes me to lose erection level but not for more then 3-4 seconds as I recover it by watching some porn. During the session my head becomes purple and dark in color but I don`t see it expanding.. After the session I go and take a hot shower and I pour the water over my penis to heat it properly. The thing is that it looks bigger for only 2 minutes after session and after a proper heat it`s back to normal state and its like I haven`t done any training at all?
P.S. Since I begun to do Dry Jelqs I discovered a negative effect on my glans.. After and during the session my glans is REALLY sore.. I mean I feel like I need to put some water on it just to make all the shaft going over the glans easier.. Also the head gets all sensitive and some white things appear?
I`m sorry for all the wall of text but I really want to improve on my technique and I would appreciate advices from everyone willing to help!