Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lose your Thundersplace posting virginity here!

xxxfun80, just stick with the newbie routine for a few months and see where that takes you. Then you’ll be conditioned enough to “specialize” if you still see the need to. At this early stage you still need to find out whether you’re a girth gainer or a length gainer. Or both.

:_pump: :donatecar


Thanks for the reply. That is what I am planning on doing anyway. Only changes I have made is to go 20 mins wet jelqs instead of 15 mins . I’ve been doing this quite a few months now but want to take it slowly. Was just thinking of other exercises to add in further down the line.
Also I’m trying to go with 5 on 2 off routine.

Sometimes I miss due to time constraints but being as consistent as possible .

All the best


First post here at Thunder’s Place, I’m glad to have found this site. There is so much inspirational/motivational content I’ve already come across, I look forward to what could become of this.

Thanks and good luck with those gains!

Pics Thread?

Hi, I was just wondering if there was a forum where we could post pics too for comment or help?

Cheers guys

Hey there, louisreeve!

I found this in the FAQ section, "* Some people want to upload a picture. Pictures are a good way of keeping track, whether you choose to share them or not. You should upload pictures of your penis in the Progress Reports and Pictures forum."
Here is the link Progress Reports and Pictures.

Good luck!

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

Welcome SoundSoul_Grow and louisreeve.

:_pump: :donatecar

First post.

I have been lurking for 6 months. My routine is going well. The newbie gains have stalled, so I figure time to start posting and talking to folks here.


I came across this site after getting one too many unsolicited emails about “improving your manhood”. I looked into a quick Google search to determine what type of snake oil this new email was selling and I found out it was just a series of excises that I had heard about long ago, but had read were ineffective. I did a bit more searching and found Thunder’s Place.

Well, I am 41 years old now, and after being dissatisfied with my size and firmness of my erections for almost all of my life, I found this site which seemed to offer hope and isn’t selling anything (as far as I can tell). It seems as if people here are doing real work and getting real results. I am spending my time over the next few days researching the forums, putting together my routine, and then finally documenting everything so I can start my personal PE journey this weekend. I plan to do this with out my wife’s knowledge for 2 reasons. 1. She is perfectly happy with my size and performance (or at least she is kind enough, and loves me enough to tell me that she is) 2. I would prefer to see if she notices with out knowing that I am doing something.

I was also happy to hear that with the BPEL measurement I am actually much larger than I thought. (Pushing back that small bit of fat in the area really makes a difference when your dealing in centimeters and inches)

I will get exact measurements soon, I want to average 3 different measurements to get the most accurate picture of what I am dealing with here - but I am somewhere in the neighborhood of BPEL 5.5inches and EG 4.5 (guessing for the most part and relying on faulty memory.

Anyway, thanks for providing a place where people like me can get together and have a bit of hope of improving our self confidence and performance.

Welcome,dhoffman and Thinandlong.

I’m glad you were getting some gains, Thinandlong! There’s a butt-load of information here to help you on your continued journey. Also a lot of guys eager to share their thoughts and experience.

Hoffman, we’re glad you found us. You’ll do well to read a lot, especially the Newbie Routine. That’s the very best place to start. Good luck to both of you, and stay in touch.

:_pump: :donatecar

Thank you for my first welcoming, clgp7!

Welcome, Thinandlong and dhoffman, I hope you find what you’re looking for here at Thunder’s Place, With all of the high quality content that has been generated by these great minds around here, I wouldn’t doubt it!

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

Hi I came across this site the other day and thought I would give it ago. I would love to have my own 7” NBP that’s the goal I will be going for I just hope to stick with it.

Welcome to the club frozenfire.

There is no hope. Only do or do not! ( with apologies to master Yoda)
On a more serious note, hopefully you’ll find success and your dedication to growing your dick will help with more discipline in other areas of your life. Hanging around here with the rest of us obsessed dick pullers will help with that. Best of luck.

:_pump: :donatecar

Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to growing with everyone

Hello everyone!

Just came across this site and first off wanted to say hello! I am a young guy (turn 20 next week) and am college student (my semester ends in a little over a week so I will begin my PE journey when I return home). I’ve never really been confident in terms of my penis size (both erect and flaccid). I can’t give a definitive measurement right now (I do not have a tape measure at the moment so I can’t give a girth measurement) but I would say my erect length is about maybe 5.5-5.75 inches?

I have never tried these exercises before but given all the posts I’ve seen with other people achieving great gains (congratulations everyone!), it makes me feel more optimistic. At this moment in time, I would love for my erect length to reach 7 inches and add at least another inch in terms of girth.

I’ve been browsing other forums and I definitely do have my share of questions (I.e. The “newbie routine”, not knowing many of the acronyms used, etc.) but for now my question is: anyone have any advice for a newbie? Things that you’ve learned that I should emphasize or avoid, how to deal with staying committed to doing this, and so on? Thank you!

Welcome latinoyx777. Glad to have you in the club!

Best advice:

Start with the newbie routine. (find it at the top of the Penis Enlargement Basics page).
Read a lot until you feel confident that you understand penis anatomy and what the exercises are.
Know that PE is a marathon, not a sprint.
Be patient.
Proceed slowly.
Your time spent here on the forums will probably be more fun and beneficial if you get involved. (We really are interested in things other than our dicks! :)
Enjoy the journey.

:_pump: :donatecar


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