Losing touch with reality
I have a weird feeling looking at some studies about averages, some say 12.5cm long is average, others say 15cm.
Most graphs show 20 cm, is the big area,
But I am lately measuring 20.5cm bone pressed, yet my penis looks really small in full body photos. I mean ridicule small.
I have 1.5 inch of fatpad so non bone pressed it´s more like 17 or even less cm… but regardless, how can something considered good size appear so ridicule?
Also it feels unimpressive in my hand … it´s nothing notable.
So I tend to think those averages studies must be poorly performed, maybe pressing the bone too little or not having good erections in the clinic… .I dont know
Most people in the forums are more like 6.5-7 inch on average, not 5….
So what is it? are those studies a conspiration to make dudes feel good or what?