Thunder's Place

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Lot theory question and problems?

Lot theory question and problems?

Hello, I’ve been lurking for a few months and started hanging a few weeks ago. The last few days I’ve really been looking into the Lot theory, to see if I should continue hanging.
Now for the question.

When testing my lot standing up, looking in a mirror, no matter where I kegel from when stretched the base of my penis always sort of ” jumps” back, but the head doesnt always differing on my grip. I’ve read a few people say look at the head, but depending on how tight I hold onto the head, that decides how much the head jumps back. If I pinch the head tight, it doesnt really “tug” back very much, if I loosen the grip, it jumps back towards me. I also read that someone said that while laying down if your dick lays on your stomach area or facing you then you have tight ligs and can gain well from hanging, but if it hangs down towards your feet they are loose. I am very confused because my dick always lays facing me on my stomach hinting I have tight ligs and can gain from hanging, but my confusion measuring lot suggests the opposite.
I dont know if I’m measuring this right, so anyone’s input would be great.

I would trust the the base if you can see it pulling or ‘jumping’ back. Once you can’t see any movement, you just passed your lot. Good luck with the gains and welcome Makaveli.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."


When you measure, slightly extend your flaccid penis, and then watch the head. When the tugback decreases noticeably, this is your LOT.

Thanks for the responses guys. Now that I’ve tested, it seems like my lot is around 7-8, which is obviously disapointing. But apparently I have hope. I searched today on raising one’s lot by focusing on only stretching the tunica for an extended period of time, and that people’s Lot’s were raising to 9-11, which obviously will allow for the ligs to be stretched.

I’m very new to Pe, with only a few weeks of manual stretching and jelqing, then jumped into hanging. I only hang around 5 pounds and get good fatigue in my ligs, which I thought was a good sign of growth potential considering many people are hanging with well over 10 pounds, but thats apparently not the case. So should I start focusing on the tunica alone to raise my lot and then hang, or ride out a hanging routine for another month to see if I can get any results?

Bib, the master hanger himself, disagreed with me on this, so understand it is just my humble opinion!

Bib has always talked about hanging according to your LOT. We all know that.
He has always preached that one should exhaust the easier potential gains from the ligs first, and then move onto the tunica.
I thought that it may indeed be beneficial to target the tunica first, while still a newbie to hanging and while it is still easier to deform (plastically). The longer one hangs (or PE’s for that matter) the harder it is to extract any gains, so I figured it may be advantageous to hit the tunica first, get some decent gains before it toughens up, and then move onto the so called “easier” gains from the ligs.

Look, it is just a crazy theory of mine with no scientific basis what so ever. Hanging the traditional way has delivered great gains to many guys, so we know it works. If Bib was here (or any other veteran hanger) they would recommend you keep hanging BTC or SD until your LOT drops to 6 (or close enough), and then hang the upper angles.

Just my $0.02 that happens to go against everything written here, so take my advice however you see fit!

Even when hanging SD you’re still stretching the tunica too, so you may as well get the best of both worlds like Bib said.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.


Yes and No.

Obviously the tunica is taking some of the force, but the majority is being taken by the ligs when hanging SD.

How far down the shaft do the ligs attach?
I’d say only about an inch, so all the shaft after that is tunica taking the force.

So OTS hanging would target this inch or so right to the base.(in addition to the rest of the shaft)

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981

How far down the shaft do the ligs attach?

I’d say only about an inch, so all the shaft after that is tunica taking the force.

I don’t know the exact measurement, but in reality it is irrelevant.

If you look at a drawing of the anatomy of the penis and it surrounding tissues, you can see that the tunica is angled such that is runs back into the body at a somewhat downward angle. This means that when you hang SD, the tunica is almost doubled over and the ligs take the majority of the stress.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981

So OTS hanging would target this inch or so right to the base.(in addition to the rest of the shaft)

OTOH, when you hang at the upper angles, the force is transmitted axially along the tunica and the ligs are slack and take no load. This is why hanging OTS targets the tunica, including (importantly), the inner tunica.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
I don’t know the exact measurement, but in reality it is irrelevant.
If you look at a drawing of the anatomy of the penis and it surrounding tissues, you can see that the tunica is angled such that is runs back into the body at a somewhat downward angle. This means that when you hang SD, the tunica is almost doubled over and the ligs take the majority of the stress.

OTOH, when you hang at the upper angles, the force is transmitted axially along the tunica and the ligs are slack and take no load. This is why hanging OTS targets the tunica, including (importantly), the inner tunica.

Hanging straight down isn’t totally ligs because the hanger grips the inner structure (tunica/fascia) and exerts force on them AND the ligs. The suspensory and fundiform ligaments attach in the area under the skin at the pubic symphysis. The fibers of the suspensory may travel down the fascia a little way, but knowing exactly where isn’t important nor does it make any difference in the LOT or the way you hang.

Andrew has summarized what I said in a series of posts a few months ago (starting with this one). Knowing the anatomy will give you all the information you need to target one structure or another. Knowing an exact LOT number isn’t helpful in my opinion. Guys with a low lot bemoan their fate, but the LOT number varies from man to man depending on the strength of the BC muscle, the angle at which his penis is attached to the pelvic bones, the length and strength of his ligaments and any number of other minor variables. Calculating a specific number isn’t necessary. If you want to target the ligs, hang low. If you want more stress on the tunica, hang up. Simple. You’ll eventually have to hang in all directions anyway, so it just depends on where you want to start.

Going on what Westla said about having a strong bc or pc muscle could effect lot, I’ve been thinking about that alot. I naturally had a very strong pc muscle, I could always stop mid-stream while pissing even in elementary school, and did it sometimes when I was young because I thought it was cool, probably strengthening it before I knew what the hell it was. I’m also young compared to the majority here( only 18), and I think that my young age and my pc or bc muscle easily makes for a strong dick. I’ve been thinking thats why it is easy for my dick to tug back more than it should considering it might be completely different in a few years if I hadnt known about Pe.

Not at all giving an excuse for the low lot, just something I thought about. My ligs get very sore and fatigued with small weight ( 2.5-5 pounds) when I hang, so they arent what I’d consider loose and strong, but what do I know? Hopefully I’ll still be able to pinch out some gains via SD hanging.

Thanks for the replies

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