Thunder's Place

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Main routine question

Main routine question

First of all and everything, I must say thank, yes, jelq&strech work, because I already gain a cm in barely a month. (It’s a 2/5 of a inch, and I fill coller already 8) )

As for routine, I started with an hard routine *sizemaiter*, you know, I have a over-the-media unit from the start, but I dropped it after seeing that my dick started to have some black point, and I couldn’t tell if was good sign or bad.. So I started to read more post, and take up a very easy-going newbie routine (without jelqing or Ulis, I have a fucking incredible curve to the left, it’s like a banana.. Read this somewhere in this forum from someone with my same problem)

So, for everyone, yes, stroching your dick work, if you don’t have gains it simple mean you are doing something wrong.. The problem is I don’t know what I am doing right T.T

And this question grove into me after I inputed my statistic on the forum.. There was a lot of thing that I don’t know about the form, and this make me secure that I need more knowledge’s..

First of all.. Body building is good for your PE? You guys know, I kinda dropped it after the idea “more blood rest in the penis, the better”, but I kinda started missing the exercise routine, I lost a you-don’t-know-how-much-it’s 6 kg(13lbs) in a month, my muscle now are I seeable existence (kinda nerdish I’m, yeah) and everytime I lock myself into a mirror I see a less fat.. And exercise was kinda a good hobby, ok, kinda boring and not like videogames, but I get something back for myself as achievement, videogames do not.

Second, is caffeine. I didn’t even think that it could be good for PE. Or not? For you guys, in your opinion, how is caffeine? I kinda eat a lot of chocolate, but I don’t understand if is good or bad (and why).. Asked myself only after the test.

Last is preparation for PE, this point is obscure for me, as it’s the “cooldown” thing.. I read somewhere (here) that heat is good for PE because it make more elastic you r penis. Read only as a link, I don’t find this thread anymore T.T . I tryed to search with the search button, but the site is so old and full of prehistoric thread that you know.. A thread of years ago is kinda hard to find.. I don’t understand the socket with rice thing, and as fr the hot towel, I don’t fill as but one in hot water everyday.. So ended up only washing my penis with hot water. It became more.. “Blacky” immediately. I think is a good thing, yes? Need lot of help onto this.. Preparation&cooldown made “guessing” don’t fill right.

Starting Size: 7 x 5 (may/2010, new to PE though) / 18,2 cm x 12,6

Size now: 8.78 x (not mesured) / 22,3 cm x ??

Short term goal: 10 x 7 Long term goal: empregnate the moon seething home and looking the US's Super Bowl.

Edit.: And a last thing.. After starting PE I fill kinda.. Well more “horny”? Don’t know how to describe.. I needed something like 2 minute to cum, but now I use hour, jerk off more than 4 time at day, and my dick is nor redish at the end nor I fill the that I want too stop.. I’m only tired and completely socked in my Sweet.. And the point is that I have no girlfriend for now and I have never do the tauntric thing.. And passing from minute to hour without knowing why for an easy cummer IS scary.

Starting Size: 7 x 5 (may/2010, new to PE though) / 18,2 cm x 12,6

Size now: 8.78 x (not mesured) / 22,3 cm x ??

Short term goal: 10 x 7 Long term goal: empregnate the moon seething home and looking the US's Super Bowl.

1.Bodybuilding is good for your PE? Generally speaking, nor good neither bad. Althoug some excersises (squats, abs work) can enhnance EQ.

2. Caffeine is good or bad for PE? Neutral. Although too much caffeine can make your flaccid a bit smaller, since it depletes water.

3. Cool Down - YES You NEED It!
Found: search ‘titles only’, ‘cool*’.

Now two advices, if you don’t mind: use the spell checkers; download the bablefish translator add-on (it’s free, google it). Your posts are a bit hard to understand. :)

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