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Manual stretch: how should ligs feel?

Manual stretch: how should ligs feel?

I have been doing manual pulls: straight down, up, sides and out / V and A stretches / aided-V and A stretches

I have been noticing the side of my ligs (running along the groin line) are feeling the most “tension and soreness” the next day, whereas the ligs connected to the base of penis is not as sore (I mean sore in a good way.. not painful).

I am wondering if I have reached the max lig lengthening already since the ligs in the base of penis are not being targeted as much as the side ligs?

Would the side ligs preventing length gains? I was under the impression that the ligs attached to the base can be the easiest gains if a person has rather higher LOT and higher exit point.

In my case, I have a mid-to-low LOT (and mid-lower exit point), so I am considering moving to exercise that target tunica more like OTS extending/fulcrum hanging etc.

Any thoughts?


Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

As for having reached your maximum, just keep on training and measuring. If you don’t notice gains in 2-4 weeks then you should change your routine.

As for having an actual feeling in them…I don’t really have that. It tends to feel stretched directly afterwards, but never the day after. This will vary a lot for everyone I think.

Lig soreness is a good sign, just know your limits and don’t over do it to the point of injury. But for me If I get soreness in the ligaments everyday that’s a sign of deformation which will mean growth will follow.

Carry on doing what you’re doing. I’d say you should leave it a month of two till you change your routine if you don’t gain.

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