Manual Stretches Causing Spotting
Having started The Newbie Routine 10 days ago, I’ve noticed the only spotting I’ve received has been from the manual stretch portion. I don’t get spotting from jelqing, even with the slightly more advanced changes I’ve made to my routine. Not really sure what I’m doing wrong during the manual stretches, or if it’s just a lack of conditioning, but even with just 20 second holds (10 seconds less than The Newbie Routine recommends), I get spots every time on the glans. Sometimes just small red ones, and one time a small dark one near the meatus. Needless to say, I took a couple days off from the stretching after the dark one manifested itself. It went away quite quickly, and I never did experience pain during the stretching that caused it (or afterwards).
Manual Stretch Technique
- Wait until penis is completely flaccid
- Use an overhand OK grip around the glans
- Pull far enough to feel a good stretch in the entire penis, and hold for 20 seconds
- Release the grip
- Slap penis against palm of hand for 5 seconds (to restore circulation)
- Perform steps 1-5 one time in each direction: out, left, right, up, down, helicopter left, helicopter right
I started out with holding the stretch for 30 seconds, and reduced it to 20 seconds in an effort to prevent the spotting (to no avail). Perhaps I should reduced it to 10 seconds? Maybe I’m gripping or pulling too hard?
(8") | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | (10") BPEL
(5") | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | (8") MSEG