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Manual stretches may cause damage if done incorrectly.


Manual stretches may cause damage if done incorrectly.

I’ve been reading posts lately in regards to any long term damage people managed to have caused themselves while doing PE, and I was surprised to find a couple posts stating the manual stretches actually caused some permanent decrease in sensation. I found this interesting, because when I first attempted doing PE about 3-4 months ago (I think it was), I had to stop due to a pain I felt at a point about 2/3 down the length of my penis.

Now I know all the vets here know the anatomy of the penis inside and out, but maybe this’ll be news for some of the newbies out there. The dorsal nerve of the penis is the nerve that innervates the penis. There are two dorsal nerves actually, and they run side by side down the top of the shaft. Now muscle and skin and arteries and veins etc, can stand to be squeezed and have the O2 taken away from them for quite some time without any permanent damage being done - maybe even a half hour or so for some structures, because they’re just not all that metabolic in the resting state. But nerves are much more prone to injury. There’s an injury called Saturday night palsy for example where you basically kill the radial nerve in your arm. They call it Saturday night Palsy because it often happens when a guy falls asleep drunk with his arm hanging over the back of a chair or something and he wakes up unable to feel or move part of his arm.

Anyway, the point is that nerves are delicate and though they can stretch like anything else with long stints of traction (ie hanging), they don’t like to be acutely deprived of O2, so kinking them is a bad idea. Anyway, I realized that when I was doing the manual stretches, since I was new to this I really didn’t know how to grip my dick so well. I’m also uncut which added to the problem. Anyway, I would grip it the best I could, but when I grabbed the end of my penis I created a kink so that my glans sort of pooched out anterior a bit. The force wasn’t evenly distributed down in other words. Not sure if you can picture what I’m saying or not, but it’s dangerous. I think it’s dangerous while jelqing as well to place a lot of pressure on the dorsal (top) side of the penis. When I jelq I make sure that most of my pressure is being placed on the sides and on the bottom of the penis with very little pressure on top. Slinky’s might be OK since they don’t acutely kink the nerves for more than a second, but they’re definitely not for beginners.

Just wanted to reiterate the importance of avoiding compression of the dorsal nerves. Screwing with those guys is the only way I can see sensation loss occurring. So be careful.

This is why I think device assisted PE has the potential to be safer for beginners. Less margin for error if you follow the instructions.

Just my two cents.


Well I used to angle my glans all the time when stretching without a problem.

Avoiding pressure on the top of the shaft is important. It’s shown in all the videos, it’s mentioned in the tutorials. I don’t see that it’s difficult for a newbie to use an overhand OK grip for stretching.

I don’t see a huge potential for injury from manual stretching. Sure there’s one guy who mentioned it recently in three separate posts in three separate threads but then he got very quiet as soon as people asked questions. I don’t know what the deal is with that but the guy is clearly trying to get across a message. If you polled for people who’ve injured themselves stretching (I can add a poll to this thread if you like). I think you’d find it’s a minority problem, if it exists, and that it comes down to not reading before trying.

>This is why I think device assisted PE has the potential to be safer for beginners. Less margin for error if you follow the instructions.<

This is simply bollocks. Sorry to be blunt, I don’t mean to be offensive but there is no way that the hand is less sensitive as a piece of PE equipment than a hunk of plastic and/or metal.

Explain this pain in more detail.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

The pain occurred about 1 cm below the glans, a bit superficially on the dorsal aspect of the penis and was a point tenderness, strong enough from deterring me from doing more PE. This also happened to be the site where my grip bent the penis anteriorly and therefore kinked the dorsal nerves. The reason I said that commercial products may be better is because things like the redi-stretcher grip the shaft from the side and provide a 100% downward tug with no kinks whatsoever.

Just trying to bring to light the point that kinking your penis in the anterior plane can be dangerous and can accidentally be done with many newbies like myself. Just something to be aware of.

Especially if you’re uncut - which many lucky men are.

When you are stretching the penis, most of the ‘force’ is behind the head and not at the base. You may just be gripping way to hard which will effect the dorsal nerve.

Simple stretching should not be placing any pressure on the nerve, or minimal pressure at best. A device does not allow you to really sense what is going on in the penis where the hand does. For long term stretches, yes a device such as an ADS might be beneficial (low load long time).

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


I’m uncut. I always retracted my foreskin before stretching.

It there any chance that you strained your skin across the nerve causing a problem? I really don’t think kinking is a problem, lots of bits of the body kink a great deal of the time without issue.

The hands are quite capable of pressuring from the side. An overhand OK grip almost enforces this.

I’m trying to understand this pain. Thanks for the location but you haven’t really indicated severity, whether it occurred with or after the stretching, whether it disappeared immediately, and whether it had a shooting aspect or was dull. I realise that tenderness is an indicator of at least one of these.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

It lasted for about two weeks gradually waning during that time. I wish I could draw a picture because I know what I was doing was wrong and that it was my technique that was causing the pain. My point in writing this post was not to say that manual stretches are bad, but that you can’t assume newbies are doing it right. I was using a left handed overhand OK grip just below the base of the glans, and the way I was doing it made my glans pooch out anteriorly and cause a point pressure on the dorsal aspect of penis at that location. The force in other words wasn’t spread out sufficiently and, I believe, irritated the dorsal nerve of my penis.

That sounds very similar to the grip I used without issue. I was aware of the nerves in the penis at the time though and made efforts to be careful.

I would think any new guy who’s done at least a little reading would also be aware of the sensitivity of the top of the shaft and that putting pressure on the sides is preferrable. The overhand OK grip encourages pressure on the sides.

I think this kinking thing is a red herring though.

So you did a stretch, there was immediate pain just below the glans, it lasted for two week. I assume you’ve had a trapped nerve before or something with which to equate the pain?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

To be honest it really wasn’t a neuropathic type pain. No numbness or tingling. No burning. Just a point tenderness that I can’t really explain. But let’s face it, neuropathic in nature or not, all pains come from nerves.

In any event all I’m trying to say is that the pain happened at this kink point. If I’m sure of anything I’m sure of that. It may have been some other innervated structure I was bending other than the dorsal nerve itself - I’ll grant you that, but I’m fairly comfortable saying that it was the kinking aspect that caused the injury.

Bottom line: I can see no benefit from regularly kinking your penis for long periods at one spot, so even if you don’t think the anecdotal evidence is sufficient to support manual stretching as a cause of dorsal nerve injuries, it only makes sense to avoid doing it incorrectly. Make a conscious effort to pull straight down - and use an assisted device of some kind if that helps - maybe even something as simple as a rubber glove.

>But let’s face it, neuropathic in nature or not, all pains come from nerves.<

It’s one thing to say “I’ve damaged nerves” it’s another thing to say “I’ve damaged my shaft and it hurts because I have nerves. If I didn’t have nerves I wouldn’t know, you know”.

>I’ll grant you that, but I’m fairly comfortable saying that it was the kinking aspect that caused the injury.<

OK so you bent your penis and you managed to injure yourself. I bent mine all the time and didn’t (in that way).

>I can see no benefit from regularly kinking your penis for long periods at one spot, so even if you don’t think the anecdotal evidence is sufficient to support manual stretching as a cause of dorsal nerve injuries, it only makes sense to avoid doing it incorrectly.<

The benefit is simple, if by bending your penis you can put your hand in a better position to stretch.

>Make a conscious effort to pull straight down - and use an assisted device of some kind if that helps - maybe even something as simple as a rubber glove.<

Having a good grip is an essential part of manual stretching. Personally I always retracted my foreskin and I always used an offcut of t-shirt wrapped around the penis to increase the grip.

Following your logic would mean an end to V-stretches, an end to rotor stretches and an end to jelqing (which is about forcing a kink up a shaft).

I wonder whether you caused the injury by slipping but I’m still trying to see how. It’s strange because from your description it sounds like something some people would just shake off and PE through, in the same way that you might graze your knee but it isn’t something that is going to stop you playing football.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

V stretches don’t cause a kink, they cause a “hump.” And jelqing doesn’t kink the penis one bit - it forces blood down the shaft and expands it. It’s all about having sufficient surface area to disperse the pressure applied.

I’m not saying that manual stretching is bad. I’m saying that it should be done correctly. And just because it may be easier to pull on the penis with the head kinked anteriorly doesn’t mean it’s something you should do it. You should find a way to stretch without doing that (or beginners with anatomy similar to my own should). I bring this up because the newbie routine is sometimes passed off as being a harmless introduction into the world of PE (which for the most part it is) but I think it’s easy to forget that every routine has it’s dangers when put into the hands of the inexperienced. A well conditioned penis could probably support a dump truck, but when you’re starting off it’s best to listen to your body and not work through pain like you would a grazed knee. This is my dick we’re talking about. I don’t see the point in contradicting that - unless you think I’m spreading false information.

When that poster I was referring to said he lost 50% sensation in his dick from manual stretching, people shot him down as if he were trying to undermine the PE community or something, but stories like that should at least be evaluated. Either he’s a liar (don’t see the point), or he fucked up his unit in which case you should accept him as a valid data point and try to learn from it.

Bottom line: PEing through pain (not soreness) is what causes injuries and is not good advice.

>V stretches don’t cause a kink, they cause a “hump.” <

don’t inverted V-stretches cause a hump

>And jelqing doesn’t kink the penis one bit - it forces blood down the shaft and expands it. It’s all about having sufficient surface area to disperse the pressure applied.<

Jelqing causes kinks all over the place. Think about how the pressure is force up the shaft, you get a pressure gradient and different expansion just ahead of the grip.

>I’m not saying that manual stretching is bad. I’m saying that it should be done correctly. And just because it may be easier to pull on the penis with the head kinked anteriorly doesn’t mean it’s something you should do it.<

I did it and lived to tell the tale. I’m pretty certain that many, many others are in the same boat because some of the techniques encourage bending the glans at a minor angle to improve the grip.

I think you are being over the top. You’ve made a flaky analysis, and tied it to a cause with insufficient evidence.

>When that poster I was referring to said he lost 50% sensation in his dick from manual stretching, people shot him down as if he were trying to undermine the PE community or something, but stories like that should at least be evaluated. Either he’s a liar (don’t see the point), or he fucked up his unit in which case you should accept him as a valid data point and try to learn from it.<

As I say, this poster posted the same thing 3 times. He wasn’t shot down, people asked him about it and he never answered (not once) just trotted out his little story in three separate posts and then jumped off the threads. He’s still around, maybe he will answer some of the questions put to him.

Every talk of injury should be evaluated.

>PEing through pain (not soreness) is what causes injuries and is not good advice.<

Here we agree

Pain = bad

The listen to your body bit. I like that too.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

This has turned into a pissing contest and I don’t know why. This was supposed to be a benign post but whatever. I may have one thousandth the number of posts you have Memento, but that doesn’t justify you calling me or my analysis “flaky.” I happen to be a physician and know a fair amount about basic anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Granted, most physicians don’t know shit about PE, but we know enough basic human science to assimilate this information pretty quickly - and I’ve been lurking on these boards on and off for over a year and a half now.

Not to mention the fact that the issue I’m talking about is MY PENIS. I’m not making this shit up - I’m trying to help people not get injured by advising proper technique. This IS posted in the newbie forum and is meant for newbies who are just beginning to get familiar with these exercises.

And, if you ask me, my analysis is as good as it can be given the circumstances. If you look at the title of my thread it says manual stretches MAY cause damage if done INCORRECTLY. It’s a statement I was throwing out there for the betterment of the community.

But just to reiterate, if you missed it the first several times, this happened to MY DICK. After 2 weeks of manually stretching my dick would hurt always at the same point - a bad hurt, not a good one. Not when I squeezed it, not when I jelqed, not when I jerked off, and not when I fucked. Only when I stretched it. So I tried to figure out what the problem might be - and I came up with the kink idea because the kinked area was the exact spot where it hurt. I was probably putting too much downward pressure on one spot - and over time it started to get irritated. Over time persistent irritation can turn into damage which can eventually become irreversible (or nearly so). And that would be bad.

Unless I’m missing something, there is no advantage to kinking your dick while doing manual stretches. The point is to pull on the fascia and the ligs, not to provide girth right below your glans. So if you can use a latex glove or a piece of cloth or anything to help with the grip that would be better. That’s all I’m saying. And this goes especially for guys who are uncut - because we’re the ones with the difficulty.

Advanced exercises do bend the penis in all kinds of ways, but to address your jelqing statement - jelqing certainly does not “kink” the penis. This may be a semantic issue - but jelqs engorge the penis with blood, they don’t kink it. But that’s besides the point. The point is that kinking the penis may in fact be an advanced maneuver - but it is not a good idea for newbies or at least clearly not for me. Do I think it will hinder every beginner’s progress? No - but I think it’s best to play it safe if the only gain is convenience.

Anyway. Take it or leave it. I don’t much care at this point.

I had pain in the beginning from a very simple and easy stretching/jelqing scheme. Later I realized it was referred pain from the base of the penis, though I felt it nearer the head. I had to take a long time off between sessions and wondered at times if I would even be able to do PE at all. Several months later the pain in that location went away and has never returned.

I think Shetland has a point, though those ill-tempered little excuses for horses are nasty bastards, in that you have to pay attention to what you are experiencing and adjust accordingly. Listen to your body. Not everything goes exactly by the book, and that fact is worth repeating.

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