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Manual stretching for long periods of time several times a day

Manual stretching for long periods of time several times a day

I was wondering if stretching the penis multiple times throughout the day (say 6 15 minutes sessions so that’s 1 1/2 total of stretching) with your hands. Right now I’m not really in the market (since I have no cash really) for any devices and I move around so much I don’t think it would be idea. However my hands are always with me and I can practically do it anywhere.

Would this have the same effect as a device perhaps in terms of total time stretched? Or does it need to be 1 1/2 of continuous stretching to reach such an effect.

Dividing your routine throughout the day is a one method of working. Some guys will execute their routine early morning, go about their day, and cap it off with a session before bed.

Ultimately, the idea is to keep your tissues in a state of fatigue as much as possible, resting on days when you feel the need for a break. As long as you don’t overdo it, I see no problem with splitting your day up into several mini-sessions. Whatever you do, stick with one approach in order to gauge its effectiveness. If after a few months you see results, great. If not, you can alter your approach.
Expect this to take some time and you’ll do well.


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