Manual Stretching Question
I’ve tried searching this subject, but nothing came up with my specific question. I’m wondering how everyone here feels about erection during stretching. Now I don’t mean 100% here, I know that is a bad idea. What I mean is somewhere around maybe 50% or less. I have been following a routine from a Taoist book, oddly enough, that makes you get an erection, then pull out to the right, do 36 rotations clockwise, 36 anti clockwise, then repeat on the left side.
I feel a great amount of stretch on the opposite side’s ligament (pull out to the right, the left stretches.) So this got me wondering about applying it to regular stretches. I noticed I get much more activation in my inner shaft when stretching like this vs regular. With a normal stretch, sometimes I will feel the inner shaft, sometimes I will just feel skin stretching.