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Manual stretching Vs. Autoextender

Manual stretching Vs. Autoextender

I suck at manual stretching, I’m uncut and just not good at it because I’m too inconsistent.

Instead of manual stretching, could I just wear monkeybar’s Autoextender for an extended amount of time (1 hour to several hours, depending on tolerance, I hear it hurts) and get the same benefits from a 10-15 manual stretching session?

Or instead of the Autoextender, should I consider a different device/mechanism?

Extender or ADS alone cannot match the effectiveness of dedicated stretching routine. :)

The reason I’m looking into the autoextender is because I am uncut. I can’t manually stretch with my foreskin retracted, just can’t get it down and it hurts too much (been reading recent threads on here that suggest manual stretching should be done with foreskin pulled back). So I would get the autoextender to do my “stretching” for me.

Does anybody else have an opinon on this?

Some uncut guys do stretches without pulling back skin. It seem to work as well.

There isn’t a way to compare extenders and manuals, IMHO, they are two totally different things.

Manuel all the way baby

- By 16th Jan 2006 - 5.6" x 5.5"

- By 5th June 2010 - 8.3" x 6.5"

Plenty of people have had good gains with an Extender/ADS but I believe you have to be more disciplined not less!!

By the way, I’m uncut and did manual stretches for ages. Are you sure you’re doing it correctly? I usually just grab just behind the glans. Use some talcon powder to make sure you get a good grip.

Ever since I trashed a muscle attachment in my arm I’ve been using a stretcher and I’ve noticed that it can give you extreme pressure to the ligs if so wanted.
I believe it’s they both work great if you use it correctly.

But as said before, if your 6” girth or bigger it’s not always nice to use a stretcher, may hurt a bit as the base plate is not made for that size.
Can be rather difficult to set up the stretcher if you got a small head or tree trunk shape as I do. And unfortunately you need to retract the foreskin to get a good grip with extenders.

I bought mine at eBay for only $50 including shipping to Europe.

Originally Posted by marinera

Some uncut guys do stretches without pulling back skin. It seem to work as well.

I would strongly advise against it because the point is stretching the penis, i.e. its inner structure, not the skin. It also hurts like hell.

I think you should go to see a doctor, and let him cut your members skin.

Just started a stretching routine so I can’t compare yet. I did use an extender for about 9 months. I did see results but, for it to be effective you need to wear it for at least 3-5 hours per day, some people wear it up to 8 hours. I went from 6.5” to 6.75 BPEL. Who knows maybe results would come faster for you.

Originally Posted by phantasm
Stretchers may work, but HURT and are quite a bit of a bother to get in, and out of.

Yes they can be uncomfortable or painful at first, but if you wear them consistently they stop hurting.

Some extenders may be easier to get in and out of than others.

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