Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



What do all these measurements mean? I thought I had seen a chart here somewhere.bpel I suspect is BonePress(el?) measuring with a ruler pressed to your pelvic bone, what about the rest of the measurements?

BPL=bone pressed length
NBPL=not bone pressed length
E= Erect

So if you have something like NBPEL that would be Not Bone Pressed Erect Length, or EG would be Erect Girth. You can figure it out from there.

BPEL = Bone Pressed Erect Length
EG= Erect Girth
BPFSL = Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretch Length
NBPEL = Non-Bone Pressed Erect Length


Using the ones above, should be able to figure out most of the acronyms you have seen on this forum. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me.

Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"

Hear of a search button?


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