Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mini Deconditioning Breaks


Mini Deconditioning Breaks

Hi Guys,

Just a quick question, would there be any benefit to having a mini deconditioning break of 1 week each month to let everything heal properly?

I am currently doing the newbie routine which includes 2 rest days per week (not in a row).



The best way to find out is just do it. Right now I am on a bit of an extended 3 day break and will be back to pumping tomorrow. I usually pump every other day, but felt a little bit of discoloration and smaller flaccid hang was catching up with me, so took the longer break. I can tell today that the 3 days has done me good.

So take the 5 days and I bet you won’t regret it. You don’t have to necessarily do it on a regular monthly basis, but when you feel or look like you need some additional healing.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

can you apply that concept to lenght work (stretches and hanging)?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Any PE method is eligible for taking a deconditioning break. Sometimes you just go and go for a long time and run up against a brick wall or feel or look like your cock is worn out and a deconditioning break is what is needed to restore everything back to a nominal healed condition and ready for new gains.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Deconditioning has a very skewed definition and outlook on application. Some see it as a total reverse of a conditioned state (stronger to weaker). Some see it as allowing the body a chance to recover and adjust to the newly introduced stresses, which enables it to be better suited for the desired changes.

Both are literally one and the same. The ONLY difference is one is carried out in short-term while the other is more long-term. 3 days vs 3 weeks vs 3 months, etc.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

This doesnt apply to the extender instructions and doesnt apply to what bib says. When it comes to stretch, no more than 10h is needed to head. I really feel confused about all.

It has been so long i don’t gain…. People tell me to take a decon break but I always say what if one more month is required… They say, when you don’t feel you are stretching your ligs and your dick is tired is when it is time to take 2-3 months break. Do you also thin so gprent?

Mostly when my did feels tired is because I have had all weekend sex so i cannot jelqs for the following 2 days properly….

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

What if instead of taking a decon break after not gaining for 3,4,5 or 6 months you decide to try a different thing? Is it still necessary to take a decon break before trying that new thing?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Last edited by memento : 02-09-2015 at . Reason: Caps and spelling

Originally Posted by quim92
What if instead of taking a decon break after not gaining for 3,4,5 or 6 months you decide to try a different thing? Is it still necessary to take a decon break before trying that new thing?

From my standpoint I would never take a break longer than 1 month. If you want to try a different PE routine and haven’t experienced any adverse erection issues from your current routine other then no gains, I think I would probably go right into the new method. Just make sure to start the new method nice and easy and build intensity on a controlled basis.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I took an almost 1 year decon break after a long time with no gains, and I am gaining once again. So don’t be afraid to take a break either.

Originally Posted by mizguy12
I took an almost 1 year decon break after a long time with no gains, and I am gaining once again. So don’t be afraid to take a break either.

that is super cool mate, it has been like 4 months I don’t gain and I stretch almost one hour (sometimes more) 6 days a week plus some good jelqing that ranges from 5 to 15 min.
Explain your experiene more in detail please :) what were you doing when you werent gaining and for how long you didn’t gain? what is it that you are doing now that yields new growth?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by gprent
From my standpoint I would never take a break longer than 1 month. If you want to try a different PE routine and haven’t experienced any adverse erection issues from your current routine other then no gains, I think I would probably go right into the new method. Just make sure to start the new method nice and easy and build intensity on a controlled basis.

Thanks I take that into account :) it has been 4 momths I dont gain after great stretching sessions. I used to feel good fatigue or stretching feeling and now not anymore no matter how hard I pull…. what does that mean….
I will start a new thread about deconditioning, I would like you guys to reply there, thanks!!!

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Quim - I was doing 15 minutes of fulcrum stretching, 15 min jelqing and 3x5 min of clamping, 5 on and 2 off. I hadn’t gained for 10 months and so I just left everything altogether, thinking I would probably never return because I was pretty happy with my size.

I’ve continued to lurk and decided i would give it one more shot. I am now doing 5 minutes of 1 minute directional stretches and 7 minutes of fulcrum stretching and 3x6 sets of clamping. I have made stay gains now for about 4 weeks and am at the largest I have ever been.

are you sure you aren’t regaining something you’d lost ? what are dirtectional stretches? thanks for sharing your experience

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Its hard to say definitively because right now I’m at the max measurements I have ever measured. These were not consistent and not where I stopped at previously. I am on my 4th week of restarting so I only have 3 measurements to go by, but each week they have increased.

Directional stretches are simply grabbing my penis mid shaft and stretching up, down, left, right and straight out. I should add I heat constantly through my routine by rice sock.

If I remember correctly, TNT took regular breaks from his routine and experienced his best growth. That didn’t work too well for me. I hit a wall and was not able to bust through it.

I’m now halfway through a 1 year decon break. I have lost a little length and girth (not too happy about that but it was expected). I have also lost about 10% of my EQ, which did surprise me. It seems like forever since I’ve done a PE routine and I’m looking forward to getting the next 6 months over with. It’s encouraging to see that others who have taken an extended break have seen positive gains once again.

Wish I knew this when I was a young man! I can no longer accept the things I cannot change. It’s time to change the things I cannot accept!

My Story: Losing And Regaining My Confidence

Starting Stats: BPEL: 4.875" EG: 5.0" FL: 3" FG: 4.25 | 02/01/2013: BPEL: 5.875" EG: 5.375" FL: 3.5" FG: 4.25" | 05/11/2013: BPEL: 6.25" EG: 5.438" FL: 4.5" FG: 4.5" | 07/28/2013: BPEL: 6.25" EG: 5.5" FL: 5.0" FG: 4.625" | 09/17/2013: BPEL: 6.375" EG: 5.5" FL: 5.0" FG: 4.750"

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