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Morning wood returns!!

Morning wood returns!!

For a while now I’ve not had wood in the morning, and also have felt I’ve been missing it through the night as well. I reckoned this was possibly due to some form of over training.

However I’ve been cutting back on the intensity of my training to see how things progress - but still no wood.

I could stimulate myself to erection in the morning, but these ‘automatic’ erections have been eluding me for some time.

I did some reading up and discovered that the night wood occurs during REM sleep, and that a disruption in REM sleep can effect normal nocturnal erections (and I think also morning wood).

I read that ED problems can also be attributed - to a degree - to disrupted REM sleep.

I moved out of the family home about 7 months ago and had fallen into a bad habit of sleeping patterns - getting much less than the recommended sleep. I didn’t think much about this until recently learning of the importance of REM sleep. In fact recently I’ve been getting less than 6 hours sleep.

So last night I retired at 9.30 - slept through to 8.30 - that’s 11 hours of sleep! And I had dreams (which I’ve not had for some time).

This was a drastic change to my ‘normal’ sleep.

And guess what…

…Morning Wood!

And through the night I was aware of having night wood.

I’ve read here at thunders of the importance of nocturnal erections for penile health, so from now on I’m going to get plenty of sleep, and I’ll monitor results.

Will keep you posted on this.

So if you’re struggling with a lack of wood, maybe your sleep patterns need looked at.

Anyone else experienced this?

I haven’t had this problem, but this is good info for keeping track of PI’s. It would be good to take into account this kind of “outside PE” stress.

Originally Posted by bigbox
I did some reading up and discovered that the night wood occurs during REM sleep, and that a disruption in REM sleep can effect normal nocturnal erections (and I think also morning wood).

Reference, link? I’m certain others would be interested.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Iv also been getting more wood in the morning but that’s because iv cut out porn completely!

Originally Posted by kimc
Iv also been getting more wood in the morning but that’s because iv cut out porn completely!


Please and thank you :)

Sorry Antistar.

No worries :)

Seems like you solved the problem Bigbox.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I don’t have any problem with morning wood when I have enough sleep. But as you said bigbox, a little or irregular sleep can make morning wood disappear.

Originally Posted by pegain
I don’t have any problem with morning wood when I have enough sleep. But as you said bigbox, a little or irregular sleep can make morning wood disappear.

Yep I usually get around 4-5hrs of sleep a night and I haven’t had morning wood in years. But I think the boy must compensate because the less sleep I get the more random erections I seem to have during the day.

Do you experience REM during waking hours as well? :)

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by misterthickness
Yep I usually get around 4-5hrs of sleep a night and I haven’t had morning wood in years. But I think the boy must compensate because the less sleep I get the more random erections I seem to have during the day.


I turn into one horny bastard when I don’t get enough sleep sometimes. But then I’m like a male dog when the female is in heat. By the time the bitch gives in, I’m too weak to do anything and I fall over in a coma.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

Originally Posted by mgus
Do you experience REM during waking hours as well? :)

Only during the team meetings :)

Wow.. I have been having a pretty large lack in morning and night wood lately.. I backed off the intensity and would actually take breaks for several weeks sometimes trying to get it back after only LIGHT training seemed to “take it away”. But I have problems sleeping, and have a fairly unstable sleeping pattern due to my job. And as a matter of fact I have always actually felt that it was my sleep that did it. I will monitor my sleep and see what happens.

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