Thanks for the vote of confidence daBoogies. Although I am in way too strong of company to be considered the best. :leftie: I am very fortunate to be in such a great company of people like Thunder, Westla, gprent, av8, BG, 789, tps, xl, Roddy, SSI, Hog, DarkTrick, Piet, mgus, mbuc, Tube, beenthere, Monty, I could go on and on. They have taught me more than I can ever repay. I know what I know because of them.
So enough with the brown nosing, mushy stuff. :D
livelong, like I said in my PM to daBoogies, it is all about knowing what your body can take and what it responds to. XL likes to call it the “sweet spot”. I really like that term because (if you play baseball or tennis you will know) the sweet spot is never really the same. It is always changing. To an extent that is a PE career. It shouldn’t change daily, but our body’s are constantly changing so what works for you one month (or more) may not necessariliy work the next. The “game” you need to play is knowing when to move on or to add more. If you don’t feel like you got a good workout or you feel that your unit can take a little more, then do a little more. I’m not talking about doubling your routine here. Just add some time or intensity to your existing workout. Keep doing that till you feel like you have hit that “sweet spot”. If you continue to add and add and still don’t feel like you’ve reached your potential, then maybe it is time to add an exercise or change up your routine. The bummer of all this is we cannot tell you what you need to do. It is different for everyone. We can certainly give you advice, suggestions, and answer specific exercise related questions, but we can’t tell you what routine will work best for you. We simply don’t know.
So, having said all of that here is my suggesstion to you. Add some time/reps and a bit more intensity to your current routine. If you get to the point where it is necessary to split it up because of time restraints, then do so. ADS is a good practice that I recommend. You don’t really don’t need to warm up beforehand, but if you can it is always good to do so. If you want length then hanging is a very good exercise to begin. There is a very in depth and helpful Forum here just for the guys that hang. Take a peek around there for a while before you make your decision.
Welcome to the site. I hope this has helped a bit. Good luck to you.