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My experience with Kegeling, Masturbating and Edging

My experience with Kegeling, Masturbating and Edging

Just last night I decided to give Edging a go. In the past during masturbation, I have brought myself close to climax and stopped and kept going, but never repeatedly. As most of you will know, a technique to prevent ejaculation is to Kegel. When I masturbate I pretty much hold a hard kegel the whole time - I guess because it engorges the penis and makes it more sensitive. When I try masturbating without kegeling it just feels like it’s going to take forever to get off.

When I tried edging last night, I masturbated without kegeling (or sometimes doing a bit of reverse kegeling), then when I came to climax I gave my PC a real tight squeeze. I was suprised at what happened - because normally I associate kegeling with bringing myself to climax, not the other way around. I think from holding very long kegels during masturbation, my PC muscle is a lot stronger than what I expected.

So you see I use the kegel in two different ways - to bring myself to climax faster (I also kegel even harder as I blow, it feels great), and now I’ve realised I can use it in the opposite. I’m a bit confused as to what is actually going on when I kegel, would anyone like to discuss it?

What you are basically doing is you are flexing your genital muscles. Namely the BC and PC muscles and maybe a few others like your anus and ass cheak muscles depending how it feels and how conditioned those muscles are from PC/BC flexing excersizes. Look up a penis anatomy chart and study it. Search here and google on how a kegel for a man works…

As for masterbating and edging with kegels, I have found the same thing you say to be exactly true. You can get to the point where you can control the kegel at the right time to bring yourself to ejaculation much quicker if you feel like it, this is why a rock hard erection from PC/BC muscle flexing excersizes is very important so you don’t have to kegel all the time for a harder erection which makes you for some reason ejaculate faster. And also I found what you said about how you can kegel right before you are about to ejaculate to block the ejaculation and let the feeling go down so you can edge and continue masterbating is very true as well.

Isn’t PE wonderful! We get to condition and learn so much about our little friends down there. :)

Just a guess.(NOTE:I’m still PE n00b.)
Are you doing both kegeling and reverse kegeling which, I think, lead you to that confusion?

Originally Posted by LoveMachine
Isn’t PE wonderful! We get to condition and learn so much about our little friends down there. :)

It rocks! :thumbup:

ATM... BPEL: 0.0mm EG: 0.0mm

Lost Penis!!! :helpme:

Last edited by a13n : 01-29-2006 at .

Aye, tis possible to bring yourself to orgasm very quickly by repeatedly flexing the PC muscle reasonably rapidly. Then you gotta hold the BC to stop the ejaculate from escaping. It’s strange because the same muscle both increases sensitivity and susceptibility to orgasm but also prevents undesired ejaculation.

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Last edited by MatuteMorales : 02-11-2006 at . Reason: found pc


Has anyone got any links on how to ‘edge’ and ‘balloon’? How do you do them? Cheers


Kegeling to stop from ejaculating is good in theory, but when you’re having sex and the girl is moving around it’s a lot harder to do. I’d rather focus on techniques to take longer to reach the PONR. Though exercising the pc/bc causes stronger orgasms in my experience

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