Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Experience with PE - new member

My Experience with PE - new member

Hey Guys, been reading posts around the forum here for awhile now and decided to become a member. I originally linked to here through a PE’ers personal site because of a highly respectable review he wrote about Thunders. After clicking on I was instantly shocked and refreshed to see a PE forum that wasn’t another sellout filled with every blinking ad that all basically say ‘click here to gain 10 feet in 3 weeks!’.

I’ve been in the PE scene on and off for a year now. I first started to realize there was something to natural penis enlargement back when I was 17 (23 now). Between girlfriends and downtime I would sit through porn’s and slow stroke a halfer for around an hour. After a couple months I noticed a “fuller feel” than before, so I started measuring and noted I gained a good 1/4” in EL and EG from the last time I took the old self conscience measurement a few months back. Didn’t really think much of it as I assumed my body was still growing. Kept doing my pleasure sessions as I was, and in 2 years I had gained 3/4” EL and 1/2” EG. At that time I was 19 and life was moving on so I pretty much fizzled out long masturbation’s to recorded porn’s off the Spice channel that I would get from this girl Megan back in high school.

Time went by and I got interested in penis enlargement (at 22), so I went researching the web and found what I was basically doing back in my teens was “Jelqing”. I read up into it and liked the exercise as I was somewhat familiar with it. I ended up buying the “Jelq Device” after a bunch of product reviewing. For $60 I wasn’t going to complain considering the amount of men (me too) who fall for the $60 bottles of “male enhancement pills” that do nothing for growth and have the same ingredients as what’s on the shelf in the vitamin isle at Wal-Mart.

I put the device to work, following the directions and routines from the manufacturer. Immediately I loved using it and what a workout! The device is great for uncut guys like myself who have a hard time doing a correct manual Jelqing exercise. Starting at 100 strokes 5 days on 2 off, I gained a 1/4” in EL (no girth) in the first week! Another 3 weeks later and a gradual increase to 200 strokes per sesh, I was able to gain another 1/4” in EL. After that I hit the plateau and new gains started to come slower (as many PE’ers experience), after 3 more weeks I quit for 6 months. Started back up for another session that lasted 5 weeks and threw in 10min stretching sets along with 150 Jelq strokes (all using the device). I gained another 1/10” in EL and this time some EG in the tune of 1/10”. I quit again for 4-5 months and now with some more research and desire from reading many posts on this awesome forum I started a new routine that I’ve been really into now for the past 2 weeks.

Below is my PE timeline with routines, durations, and gains (all measurements NBPEL and mid-shaft EG):

Starting NBPEL 6.25” EG 5.0”
2 years NBPEL 7.00” EG 5.5”
Simply stroked a halfer for about an hour, not really fully aware I was doing some sort of PE exercise at the time. Could have been still growing too since I was 17-18yo.

10/1/2006 - 11/12/2006
Starting: NBPEL 7.00” EG 5.5”
Week 1: NBPEL 7.25” EG 5.5”
Week 2: NBPEL 7.30” EG 5.5”
Week 3: NBPEL 7.30” EG 5.5”
Week 4: NBPEL 7.40” EG 5.5”
Week 5: NBPEL 7.50” EG 5.5”
Week 6: NBPEL 7.50” EG 5.5”
Week 7: NBPEL 7.50” EG 5.5”
Power Jelqing starting at 100 strokes for the first week and increasing strokes to 200 per session over the next 3 weeks.

5/1/2007 - 6/3/2007
Restart: NBPEL 7.50” EG 5.5”
Week 1: NBPEL 7.50” EG 5.5”
Week 2: NBPEL 7.50” EG 5.6”
Week 3: NBPEL 7.50” EG 5.6”
Week 4: NBPEL 7.60” EG 5.6”
Week 5: NBPEL 7.60” EG 5.6”
Power Jelqing at 150 strokes + 10min Stretching in all directions, 45sec hold per stretch.

10/21/2007 - Current
Restart: NBPEL 7.60” EG 5.6”
Week 1: NBPEL 7.60” EG 5.6”
Week 2: NBPEL 7.60” EG 5.6”
Week 3: in progress

Sun: Kegel 50x + Power Jelq 200 strokes + 10min Stretches
Mon: Morning - Pump 30mins + Power Jelq 200 strokes (split in 2 sets)
———Evening - Kegel 100x + Power Jelq 175 strokes + 10min Stretching
Tue: Morning - Pump 30mins + Power Jelq 200 strokes (split in 2 sets)
——- Evening - Kegel 100x + Power Jelq 150 strokes + 10min Stretching
Wed: Morning - Pump 30mins + Power Jelq 200 strokes (split in 2 sets)
———Evening - Kegel 100x + Power Jelq 175 strokes + 10min Stretching
Thu: Morning - Pump 30mins + Power Jelq 200 strokes (split in 2 sets)
———Evening - Kegel 100x + Power Jelq 150 strokes + 10min Stretching
Fri-Sat: OFF

All exercises performed in a hot bath on current restart.
(Note: the routine above is my current 3rd week plan, I started at half that my first 2 weeks.)

Vitamin intake: 1000mg L-Lysine, 2000mg L-Arginine, 1600mg Calcium, 30mg Zinc, 450mg Magnesium, 200mg Ginseng, 1000mg Vitamin C, 400iu Vitamin E/B complex. Very limited caffeine intake.

Non-PE workouts: Mid-section and Upper leg routine for 2 hours per week using an abslide (it’s basically a wheel with a handle threw it)

My ultimate goal is 8x6 (whose isn’t?! Lol), anywho that’s my experience with PE and I’m glad to be a new member at this great forum!

Keep up the great gains everyone! :)

Get in where ya fit in.

Great story, TannerSwede. Sounds like you’ve got a great routine going and you’re only a half an inch off on your goal EL and EG! Wish you the best man

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