Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3 year follow-up of my PE experience


3 year follow-up of my PE experience

These are the results of a three-year follow-up of my PE experience. I recently joined this board (and posted a little on one of the earlier Tom Hubbard-linked ones in 1998 and 1999).

I am summarizing the results of both routine and measurement, listing only starting size (October 1998), “ending” size (April 1999), and current size (April 2002).

The routine was varied, and included 50-400 milking/jelqs per day during the active pe period, plus light hanging for the first month (2-3 pounds, 15-30 minutes), then hand strecthing for 15-30 min/day for the next 5 months. Since the end of the active period, I have only done kegels (which I did long before I ever heard of pe), and a single tug/stretch each time I urinate or shower.

If anyone is interested, I could describe why I stopped pe.

All values in inches (multiply by 2.54 for cm).

Erect Length -Bone Pressed
start 7.0
end 7.7
now 7.8

Erect Length -NOT Bone Pressed
(subtract 0.5 inches from above at all measurement times)

Erect Circumference (middle/base)
start 5.0/5.5
end 5.3/5.75
now 5.4/5.75

(NOTE: all flaccid lengths are “typical”, neither when cold nor excited nor right after pe)

Flaccid Length - horizontal
start 4.0
end 4.5
now 4.5

Flaccid Length - hang
start 4.4
end 5.0
now 5.1

Flaccid Circumference (middle/base)
start 4.3/4.4
end 4.6/4.8
now 4.6/4.8

So, there was no rebound effect.

Let me guess…

You stopped PE’ing because of april fools day ?

Best regards


reasons for stopping pe

My reasons have nothing to do with holidays (I do not celebrate).

The main reason is that I found that pe procedures led to a decrease in hardness during intercourse.

Another reason is that I found that I was getting diminishing returns (less gain/month).

And the third reason is that my woman (who did notice the benefits!) said that was optimal.


decrease in hardness???? could this be why i have no bleeding hardness anymore???

anyone else want to comment?

There are many causes of variations in hardness (or outright dysfunction), including psychological and physiological factors. However, following the principle of “first, do no harm”, a holiday from pe might be worth considering. It worked for me.


I have to say i have noticed the exact opposite from my pe. Up until i started a few weeks ago i found that i was not as hard as i used to be when involved in some sexual activity (4-5 years ago being next to a naked chick it felt like my dick might rupture) but this had slackened off a bit (familiarity breeds contempt?).
Anyway now that i have been jelqing, hanging and doing kegels i have noticed that my unit is now more muscular looking, and harder.

I dont see how working a part of your body out can make it more out of shape (unless you are maybe overtraining)

Or possibly there is some psychological problem?

anyway just some thoughts…….

See Ya,


exact ,Darkness

There is a refractory period for erections following PE or sex, or masturbation. Just as after a good run of 10 K you wouldn’t be able to just get up and do it again - performing the same way as the first 10 k without a rest. I noticed a decrease in the firmness of my sexual erection when I had sex sooner than 3 or 4 hours past workout, your refractory period may be longer or shorter. I wouldn’t assume that PE caused any thing till you try sex not in a refractoy state and have ruled out performance anxiety. Cheers.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Anticipating just the refractory period you justifiable note, I never had less than a 4 hour interval between pe and intercourse. I had no more or less performance anxiety during the pe phase of my life than before or after. So, those two very reasonable hypotheses do not fit my case.

I was pleased with my gains, but not the passing decrement in hardness.


See the above post re: psychological factors.
As for the workout having undesired effects, vascular/valve strain, nerve stretching/irritation and many other possible mechanisms could be at fault.

Although I do not want to perpetuate incorrect analogies between pe and muscle building, I have certainly hurt myself in the gym (overtraining).

Re: Strange.

Originally posted by BigJ
I have to say i have noticed the exact opposite from my pe. Up until i started a few weeks ago i found that i was not as hard as i used to be when involved in some sexual activity (4-5 years ago being next to a naked chick it felt like my dick might rupture) but this had slackened off a bit (familiarity breeds contempt?).
Anyway now that i have been jelqing, hanging and doing kegels i have noticed that my unit is now more muscular looking, and harder.

I dont see how working a part of your body out can make it more out of shape (unless you are maybe overtraining)

Or possibly there is some psychological problem?

anyway just some thoughts…….

yep i have to say that i agree with you, definitely on the short term, these exercises helped me to get harder and i just “felt” my dick more and i had lots more control over it. well i finally did my exercises last night at like 4 in the morning since everyone was asleep. i was hoping i’d wake up with a stiffy but no luck. although before i took a shit i had blood go in my peepee a few times without me asking it to… i suppose that is positive :P (you can tell i think about this too much) already there feels like more activity down there. i took it easy on my routine last night just 3 sets of jelqing and 4 sets of squeezes, no red spots. i think i will rest today then start up wednesday night again.

Re: exact ,Darkness

Originally posted by luvdadus
There is a refractory period for erections following PE or sex, or masturbation. Just as after a good run of 10 K you wouldn't be able to just get up and do it again - performing the same way as the first 10 k without a rest. I noticed a decrease in the firmness of my sexual erection when I had sex sooner than 3 or 4 hours past workout, your refractory period may be longer or shorter. I wouldn't assume that PE caused any thing till you try sex not in a refractoy state and have ruled out performance anxiety. Cheers.

definitely not the case with me as i go days without pe, and it’s not that my dick feels tired, if anything it feels like i haven’t used it in years :(

We may have focussed a bit much in this thread on the one negative side effect I experienced. It was important to note it, but also the enduring benefits.


There may be one (at least) additional explanation. Not long ago I attended a lecture by a prominent local urologist that specializes in ED. during the background physiology part of his lecture he showed using physics formulas that it is much more difficult to get a good boner with a large penis than a small one.

If you are past 40 yo perhaps there is some vasculature insufficiency that was not apparent with a smaller dick but wth a larger one is obvious. Viagra may work if the vessel is not calcified (ie a reversible narrowing of the artery).

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Tried supps?

I have been using Arginmax as well as I cleaned up my diet a bit and I have been experiencing good erections consistantly after PEing for about 4 months. I usually PE before going to bed. After a nice 5 minute hot wrap I hit the sack. Can I get a good erection then, no, but I definitely have good flaccid size and girth. I wake up with moring wood almost every morning like I was 18 again (now 45) post PE and non post PE mornings. During sex, I have been experiencing strong erections. Before PE I could always get hard, but not always 100 %. I had a lot of 90% performances. Maybe the intensity of the PE and nutrition/supplemnts are the key?

luvdadus, dawolf

Perhaps I was not clear: The decrement in hardness (never so severe as to prevent intercourse, just degrade the quality) ONLY occured when I was active with pe. I am over 40, but even more so now than when I was doing pe, and now I have no problem. The problem only occured during active pe, and now that I stopped (only doing a tug here and there), the problem is completely resolved.

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