Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3 year follow-up of my PE experience


hmm… i have been working out a lot more and not paying as much attention to my protein intake and it could be possible i’m not getting enough especially since working out makes the body require more protein. i used to always devour a tin of tuna after a workout to ensure i was getting a little extra protein… still i don’t think this is enough to cause what is happening to me. but it can’t hurt to put a little more effort :P

Its gonna take about 1-2 weeks before you feel any effects from the L-Arginine. You need to take it daily at least 1000 mg for about 2 weeks without fail. If you do it off and on it wont work. L- Arginine increases sperm count and the body has to make adjustments to it. I didnt feel anything for a while, at least 2-3 weeks, but I kept taking it every morning and night 1000mg each serving,cause I knew it was good for my dick, then after a while I noticed something different. Thats when I realize the extra erections etc, then when I took the megamen vitamins along with it, then I realize that I struck gold. Always keep my supplies stocked.


Stack and timing

I also don’t think Yohimbe is worth the risk. It made me very edgy. I like the Arginmax/Horny Goat Weed combo. It also works best on an empty stomach. At least 2 hours after a meal. That is why I do it first thing in the morning and right before bed. It has something to do with amino acids competing with each other for uptake. So for best arginine absorption, an empty stomach is best. As a side note, if you live where there is an OSCO, they have buy one get one free on Sundown products (the maker of Arginmax).


Although issues of supplements and erectile problems are of interest, there are (many) other threads for those topics.

I had hoped to discuss long-term effects of pe………


If you quit PE for so long and maintained your gains, this says a lot to the rest of us who hope to keep them, too. Big Al has told his members that he does little to no PE anymore, yet he has held his own significant gains.

Hope that others who have got to where they want to be and stopped PE will also chime in to confirm you own experience.

But tell me this: It’s my read from past posts that very few guys who are into PE and get gains have any desire to stop. Rather, they want to get, or see if they can get, more length, more girth. Any regrets about quitting? Regardless of your wife’s opinion, are you satisfied with where you are?

Thanks. And for starting this interesting thread.




It is not only my wife’s opinion, but by girlfriend’s (who did not know me before pe) as well that my size should not be more.

I am happy with my penis, and even more so after pe. But I do have some greed, and would be interested in a bit more.
Regret would be too strong a word, but since starting this thread, I have been tempted to restart on a limited basis (perhaps doing a gentler version of jelqs — more superficial, with less cavernosal pressure).
It would also be interesting to know whether restarting after so long allows for a new rapid increase……

Do cardio excersize 3 times a week and you will be 100% each time. 15-30 minutes!

Actually, this is now the 11 year follow-up of my PE experience, but I could not deduce how to post a new thread at this time. At the start of this old thread, I note the routine I did for a year from 1998 to 1999.

About six months ago, I resumed intermittent PE (just jelqs, manual stretches, and the stretch rolled over the thigh). For the past few years, I have also followed a variant of the “paleolithic diet”.

As detailed in the PE data site:

/pedata/ … ?username=exact

I have had further gains.

Originally Posted by exact
Actually, this is now the 11 year follow-up of my PE experience, but I could not deduce how to post a new thread at this time. At the start of this old thread, I note the routine I did for a year from 1998 to 1999.
About six months ago, I resumed intermittent PE (just jelqs, manual stretches, and the stretch rolled over the thigh). For the past few years, I have also followed a variant of the “paleolithic diet”.
As detailed in the PE data site:
/pedata/ … ?username=exact
I have had further gains.

This stuff is interesting.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by exact

Actually, this is now the 11 year follow-up of my PE experience, but I could not deduce how to post a new thread at this time. At the start of this old thread, I note the routine I did for a year from 1998 to 1999.

About six months ago, I resumed intermittent PE (just jelqs, manual stretches, and the stretch rolled over the thigh). For the past few years, I have also followed a variant of the “paleolithic diet”.

As detailed in the PE data site:

/pedata/ … ?username=exact

I have had further gains.

What were your stats when you resumed PE 6 months ago?

Originally Posted by gjurob
What were your stats when you resumed PE 6 months ago?

Similar to when I had stopped in 2003:

Date EL-BP E Girth-midsh FL F Girth
1998-10-02 7.000 5.000 4.400 4.400
2002-04-02 7.800 5.400 5.100 4.600
2003-03-23 7.750 5.400 5.100 4.600
2003-04-02 7.700 5.300 5.000 4.600
2009-06-06 8.000 5.700 5.250 4.750

Note: The requirement to measure girth midshaft leads to a conservative estimate of my girth, as I am much thicker near the base, even an inch or more from the base.

If I understand correctly, you did no PE whatsoever from 2003 to 2009.

If so, I believe you are the first person on TP to report keeping virtually all gains after stopping PE for such a long period of time.

You understand correctly, I did no PE from 2003 to december 2008.

Note: I do not consider “Kegels” property of PE; they are something I have done since long before starting and continued after stopping PE.


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