Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3 year follow-up of my PE experience

Size's data and Supps

I added my data to Size’s data site, but my computer crashed before I could enter my supplement use information. I take (and took, before, during, and after my active pe phase): 400 iu vitamin E, 2g vit C, 600 mg Calcium, 300 mg Magnesium, 30-50 mg of the Bs, 200 mcg selenium, 50mg zinc, and reasonable helpings of a, d, etc.

I tried arginine, but it did nothing for me. However, I always feel better when I eat at least 60-70g/day of balanced protein, spaced throughout the day.

Originally posted by exact
We may have focussed a bit much in this thread on the one negative side effect I experienced. It was important to note it, but also the enduring benefits.

sorry my fault :p

eh who put the canadian flag that was very nice, i was about to figure out how to do that but now that it’s done! :P thanks

Re: Tried supps?

Originally posted by dawolf
I have been using Arginmax as well as I cleaned up my diet a bit and I have been experiencing good erections consistantly after PEing for about 4 months. I usually PE before going to bed. After a nice 5 minute hot wrap I hit the sack. Can I get a good erection then, no, but I definitely have good flaccid size and girth. I wake up with moring wood almost every morning like I was 18 again (now 45) post PE and non post PE mornings. During sex, I have been experiencing strong erections. Before PE I could always get hard, but not always 100 %. I had a lot of 90% performances. Maybe the intensity of the PE and nutrition/supplemnts are the key?

yup that’s how i was when i started pe, before pe i never really had the morning wood (only at the beginning of puberty really, and maybe i didn’t get them cuz i jerked off too much lol) but when i started pe, i’d actually get one once in a while and it was nice cuz it’s a sign of a healthy knob. what pisses me off is that i have a friend who has smoked for 5 years, and like a pack a day too, and he tells me he gets the morning wood all the time and his erections are lethal. how is this??? i would like to think i’m a healthier person than him!! i exercise more and smoke less!

and what is this about nerve stretching and the like? could it be that i have done irreparable damage to myself and that is why i am not experiencing good erections? is there ANYONE else who has problems getting erections that didn’t have problems before pe?

eh, it was me. You asked for one early last fall and I found it but you had to hit the minimum number of posts. You didn’t, you disappeared eh.

Darkness, are you still partying like you were last year? Try stopping some of that shit and take it from an old shit that does, stop the fucking smoking now. Give the shit up and stay away from it. Every smoke you have makes it that much harder to quit. And you are probably smoking those kick ass Canadian brands. It will help your morning wood, trust me.

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Smokin' wood


Well if your friend smokes cigarettes, then that is a surprise considering all the crap in them. I smoke, too. But I smoke fine premium cigars that don’t have all the additives.

As to nerve damage, did you use manual stretches or hanging with a weight? I have gotten good gains with lower intensity manual stretching. Hanging a weight on my dong scare the crapout of me.

thunder, it’s gonna be tough for me to stop completely now since i just received some very bad news :( ( and smoking helps take my mind off things… i just really don’t think i smoke enough for it to have such a drastic effect i mean 10 smokes split between fri and sat night isn’t a lot, and i’m usually in a club or bar anyway. and i don’t party like crazy really… not now anyway.

and dawolf, i do streches, but nothing where i am pulling very hard at all, i’m really quite gentle with the stretching to tell you the truth, and i’d never hang something from my horn, scares the shit out of me too!

1000mg of L-Arginine and 2 megaman vitamins before bed gives me the wood all night. Wake up in the morning with it and have to take a piss to bring it down. Also 2000 mg yohimbe bark before bed, I will have to sleep on my back. Erections on top of erections. I mean all night. GNC have a new version of 2000mg yohimbe. You take 2 of these about 1 hour before sex, and you dont have to worry about erections. Sometime when I PE I will take 1 before bed to aid in repairs of tissues from rock hard erections. It works man, I tell you my flaccid has never been so pumped up even when I was a teen, and im in my 40’s.

Originally posted by kabar
1000mg of L-Arginine and 2 megaman vitamins before bed gives me the wood all night. Wake up in the morning with it and have to take a piss to bring it down. Also 2000 mg yohimbe bark before bed, I will have to sleep on my back. Erections on top of erections. I mean all night. GNC have a new version of 2000mg yohimbe. You take 2 of these about 1 hour before sex, and you dont have to worry about erections. Sometime when I PE I will take 1 before bed to aid in repairs of tissues from rock hard erections. It works man, I tell you my flaccid has never been so pumped up even when I was a teen, and im in my 40's.

hmm really, sounds like something i’d like to try, how much does all of this shit cost? and does anyone know of any negative side effects?

Yohimbe (Yohimbine)

Darkness and kabar;

Guys with hypertension should stay away from yohimbine unless working with a doctor in its use. It can cause dangerously high spikes in blood pressure. It can also cause anxiety and sleeplessness in some.

But it seems to work real well for kabar. Kabar, sounds like you’re hard all night. The average, healthy man has 4 - 5 nocturnal erections each lasting about 30 min.

The only negatives I know of to L-arginine are flatulance and loose bowels in the beginning. It can cause an outbreak of herpes at high dosages. L-a takes about a week to kick in for most.



> how much does all of this shit cost? and does anyone know of any negative side effe

They are about $30.00 per bottle containing about 100 tablets. Roughly 3 months supply if you dont abuse it.I havent heard of any side effects from arginine nor megaman. Megaman is a complete mans vitamin. All natural. I havent had any effects from yohimbe bark. This is a sex enhancer vitamin. Ive used it for over a year and havent failed me yet. Wont leave home without it. Infact, whenever Im travelling, I will chuck 1 of each per day that im travelling. If you take the megaman, dont take the yohimbe. Take either one with the L-Arginine. Dont want you walking around all day with an erection.LOL. If your Phat-9 you will be getting some funny looks. lol.


Correct Avocet8, the L-Arginine takes about a week for the body to react to it.

No, I dont think its all night, I probably get about 7-8 30 mins erection using the L-Arg and Megaman, and a bit more when I use the Yohimbe bark. Even though it feels like all night Dont really know since Im asleep. I know when I wake up through the night at least 3-4 times…erections and when I wake up in the morning..still erection.And its those rock hard erections you know the kind you use to get as a teen.

Thanks for the warning on yohimbe. Think Ill cut back some and use it only when i think i will have sex. Will stick with the L-A and Megaman on a daily basis.



Phenominal effect you get!

I take L-a daily and never have a problem with it. And taking the last dose before going to bed does increase nocturnal erections for me but not at the rate you get them. :-)

For guys who don’t know about nocturnals - they are probably the single healthiest event that can happen to your dick. It is believed that they occur through a different neural pathway from sexual erections; they perform the job of introducing oxygenated blood and cleaning out the plumbing of deposits which accumulate when we’re not erect, which is most of the day.



I think the 2 megaman vitamins have alot to do with it. These vitamins are natural and very potent. You have to take 2 to get the full effects though. Very good for erections I must say.

ahhh too many choices :P (i had maybe too much wine tonight) so i’m not sure whether to go just for the megaman vitamins (that helps with erections??) or this yohimbe bark, somehow i feel safer with the vitamins because they are just vitamins cuz just because something grows on a tree (bark) doesn’t mean it’s ok to eat!! i’m not saying it’s not ok to eat just wanna be cautious here.. so where would be a good place to start? i’m not exactly swimming in money here but what should i try taking to see if it helps me get rock hard? i don’t really have problems getting erect, it’s just always like 80% or so and they don’t last long.

avocet, i am quite sure i don’t have high blood pressure, and i won’t worry about the flatulence or loose bowels, if anything i will entertain myself with the flatulence and the runs never fail to crack me up hehehe :P

The data on arginine and herpes is quite weak.

Arg itself did not do anything for me, but a steady supply of balanced protein all day has a nice benefit.


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