Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First Year PE Thoughts

First Year PE Thoughts

First Year PE Thoughts - Well, it’s been about a year since I joined Thunder’s Place and began PE. All in all,
it’s been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. My progress so far: Growth-wise: for length, I’m now 7.5” BPEL and about 6” FL (depending on the room temperature). Girth-wise, I’m somewhere in the middle 5”, more at my corona, and possibly at the base. Health-wise, my penis is in the best shape it’s ever been; toned, hard when erect, great circulation, great skin condition. One of the threads mentioned that the smooth muscles of the penis benefit from the PE exercises. It must be true! As far as overall gains, mine have been mostly in length, about 2”. I say “about”, since my I’m not sure I did my initial measurements correctly. Anyway, I’m “aiming for 8” and believe I will be there in another year.

The fist two months I did the Newbie routine, extending the duration of stretching and jelqing to 10 minutes
stretch, 15 minutes Jelq (twice a day, 5 on, 2 off). Then I began wearing steel cock rings during the day as a
quasi ADS. About twice a month I do urethral sounding sessions, both for pleasure and to keep my urethra
enlarged as my piss stream has been pretty weak. I’m now doing weekly sounding sessions with 5/16” and 3/8”
diameter Henke sound, and my stream is getting stronger.

And, as a one year celebration gift, I bought my first pump - a Mity Vac and a 2” aquarium gravel siphon tube.
Wow!! What a turn on! I love watching and feeling my penis expand in the tube. And then, having it slightly swollen during the day - nice! Only wish I’d tried this sooner. I plan on getting a slightly smaller diameter tube and maybe someday, something for my whole unit (that would be a trip).

Thundersplace has been a wonderful source of good, seasoned, practical advice from experienced members.
It’s easy for newbies and veterans to go off the deep end, get off track, and discouraged. The members have
been positive and reassuring, not only to me, but to others who have questions, problems and issues similar to
mine. I also love Diamondwinds “The Dive” and the “patrons” and “regulars” who frequent it. What a hoot! It reminds me of Toby Keith’s song “I Love this Bar”. It’s lots of fun and a great stress reliever, especially DW’s “Would You Hit This?” posts.

I’ve visited and joined other sites, but keep coming back to Thunder’s as a source of continuing knowledge,
entertainment, and enlightenment.

So, thanks fellow members. Best of luck to all and hope we all continue to grow and develop. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."


Oops - Forgot to mention that I clamp nightly, before I go to sleep and then before getting up (have to take advantage of my morning wood). I’m uncut, and, when clamped, my swollen foreskin adds considerable girth to my glans. It looks like one of those Russian missiles, with the swollen tip (talk about a phallic symbol). And lastly, I’m on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for low testosterone. My last lab tests came back with normal serum testosterone levels and relatively high free testosterone levels. Thank God for modern medicine. So, there you have it. Thought I’d mention a pleasant surprise I had a few nights ago. After pumping, jelqing, and clamping, my wife whispers over at 4 am: “Do you want to make love?”. Well, with a minimal amount of foreplay, and lots of lubrication, I began to enter her gently. The rest, I’ll leave to your imagination. Afterwards, she told me that it felt better when I was humping her fast and furious. I was pleased that after a rather strenuous PE workout, I was more than ready to perform and produce. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Great news Bro sounds like you had a productive PE year. Sounds like the wife is enjoying your efforts also:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Enjoy your improvement.

Great encouragement for others.

Tell us more about the HRT, Your age, what you’re using, Patch etc. and whether its DIY, or Doctor prescribed. It might make a good separate thread. 789 has one that I’ve been following, and I’ll bet alot of members would like to know your story also.

Congrats on your successes

Last edited by manage123452000 : 11-07-2006 at .

My progress so far: Growth-wise: for length, I’m now 7.5” BPEL and about 6” FL (depending on the room temperature). Girth-wise, I’m somewhere in the middle 5”>

Did you mention what you started at?

Thanks, Guys!

Dino, Edd, and Manage - Thanks for the words of encouragement. Hope you enjoying PE as much as I do.

Edd - I guess your favorite beer is Rolling Rock. Pop a top for me.

Manage - Regarding my HRT, take a look at my reply to Starter47’s post "Does Age Matter?"

Does Age matter

The fact is, standard lab tests don’t check testosterone levels. You have to specifically ask for it. And, your doctor will probably order it for you if you exhibit some of the symptoms of low testosterone (see: ). As far as testosterone levels, there are two that are commonly used: Serum testosterone (normal range: 300 - 900 or so (standard concentration units) and free testosterone (normal range 5 - 20 or so). Don’t quote me on these ranges, as I am doing them from memory. If you have the lab work done, the normal ranges will appear on the lab results, along with your individual testosterone levels. In any event, you should be somewhat in the middle of both ranges. I seem to remember that free testosterone levels may be more significant, as they are not "binded" and are available for metabolic uptake (i.e. increased libido). Also, would you send the the "789" thread you’ve been following?

Klayton - As far as what I started at, you can view my PE Stats at:

/pedata/ … e=mrconvertable

Any doctors out there that care to weigh in? Later. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Originally Posted by Klayton
Did you mention what you started at?

He didn’t exactly, but if you click on where it says mrconvertible next to his avatar, you can choose to view his PE stats which show any updates he’s entered.

P.S. You should enter your own if you haven’t already. ;)

Manage - Thanks for the link to 789 thread on low T. His symptoms and positive response to HRT sound a lot like mine: very interesting reading, a lot of information to digest. Plan to add my $0.02 soon. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

What stretches did you do for your first 2 months, and then after that? Also, where did you get the steel rings from? Did you do anything besides just regular jelqing for girth?

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