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My girl wants a huge dick

My girl wants a huge dick

Hi everybody I’m new here as far as posting. Been lurking for years. I’ve been doing PE off and on for the past four years. But, out of that four years I’ve probably done four months of PE. So in a way you could still call me a newbie. Today me and my girl were talking about dick size (we have a really good relationship) and I did the unthinkable. I asked her to tell me what she would think a perfect size dick was.

She looks at me a smiles and says laughing that she doesn’t know and pauses, then says that I’m perfect. Yeah right us guys here at Thunder’s get that line all the time. We were in a restaurant so I told her to make an O with her pointy finger and thumb. And starting at the top of a glass Heinz ketchup bottle drag your fingers that are in a shape of an O down until you hit that perfect spot that you think is best size girth wise. Guys you are not going to believe where she stopped.

I just knew that she was going to stop somewhere around 6 inches thick. Yeah right how about a whopping 7 inches thick. I waited until she went to the bathroom to measure the spot where she stopped with a measuring tape that I was hiding in my pocket. Guys my girl is small about 5’3” and 115 lbs. Her hands are small so when she took her hands off the bottle those 2 fingers looked like a perfect letter C. Imagine your girls telling you “yeah perfect is when my finger look like this around your dick in a letter C fingers nowhere near touching”. She also told me that her friends say that they love a “King Kong Dick” that’s what they call it.

Guess what a King Kong Dick is? The size of the glass Heinz ketchup bottle. She told me that 2 of her friends actually experienced sex with a guy that was the same size of this bottle, which is approximately 7 and a half inches thick. She said that when the girls told all the other girls (about 7 of them) about these King Kong guys they’re mouths hit the floor in amazement. Then they all laughed and called the guys Superdicks.

So my question is does she honestly know how much dick that actually is because if she’s serious I have a lot of work to do. My starting size was 7.5 BP X 5 EG. I’m starting back up again so with two weeks under my belt I’m now 7.5BP X 5 3/8 EG.

Last edited by mckmas8808 : 12-16-2004 at .

Do you always carry a measuring tape to a restaurant? Just curious :D

Girls sometimes want to try a big dick. This is mostly curiosity. But I don’t think she’d like to be banged by it on a regular basis.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

holy fuck you hang around with some shallow ass girls.

I say dump her.

Then do some work on your own, and get to know a girl worthwhile. Just my opinion.

get her a dildo that size and use it on her and see how she likes it, or just take the ketchup bottle and try that on her.

In or seriousness she probably will be fine with your size.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Naw I don’t always carry a measuring tape with me I’ve just been planning something like this out for the past two weeks. Need a goal and the goal is whatever the misses wants so I had to ask her the question. I think your right getting hit with a 7 inch thick dick would be hard on her. She says that she loves what I got now, but could handle more.

Check it out guys I forgot to tell you that when we had sex for the first time since I’ve been Peing She instantly notice a difference and said “damn [my name] it feels like your getting kinda big down there”. My routine consiste of pumping and jelqing. At the time I was about 5.5 inches thick.

It sounds like she arrived at this “perfect” size solely by what her two friends said, which is most likely an exaggeration to some extent. Try sticking that ketchup bottle inside her and see what she says. No doubt for some women, 7”+ is the ideal girth. But I bet there are few women who fall into this category. For most, around 6” is the more common ideal. There is an interesting post somewhere in Thunder’s (sorry I don’t know where) that shows a graph of a poll of women to this effect. Given that your girl is small, she may be astonished at how much more 1” girth fills her up. You could always experiment with dildos. Why not? It sounds like you have a good relationship with her. Does she know you PE? Say you discover that 6” is her ideal girth, you could explain to her that this is a very reasonable goal for you.

Hey, what is her perfect length?

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
Naw I don’t always carry a measuring tape with me I’ve just been planning something like this out for the past two weeks. Need a goal and the goal is whatever the misses wants so I had to ask her the question. I think your right getting hit with a 7 inch thick dick would be hard on her. She says that she loves what I got now, but could handle more.

Check it out guys I forgot to tell you that when we had sex for the first time since I’ve been Peing She instantly notice a difference and said “damn [my name] it feels like your getting kinda big down there”. My routine consiste of pumping and jelqing. At the time I was about 5.5 inches thick.

I wish to god I had a penis monitor like that, I mean girlfriend, plus 5.5” girth is above average girth, damn I’m envious.

You sound like you are doing ok as it goes. I’m sure jelquing and pumping will get you up to 6” girth within 3-9 months easy.

Good luck mck

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Originally Posted by dugie65
Holy fuck you hang around with some shallow ass girls.

I say dump her.

Then do some work on your own, and get to know a girl worthwhile. Just my opinion.

I %100 agree .

Good questions motivated. She does do the whole dildo thing to well. She likes the the real thing and said that she never wants to try one. You know what come the think about it we ALWAYS have to use KY Jelly because with out it I’m just to big girth wise now to hit it. She always says no KY no pussy, but she spells the second word. I just told her I PE because she kept asking how did my dick grow so fast. So I spilled the beans and told her. I’m 7.5” BP now and she told me a guy in her past was about a little bit longer than me. She said about the length of whole pinkie finger nail longer. So ideal length for her is between 7.75” BP to 8” BP. She told me that a girth that big would just be impossible no to want to fuck and she would always want to hold it and just marvel looking at it. She said in her hand it would just be PERFECT.

I’ve noticed that younger girls want bigger dicks and older women prefer average to smaller, because they have learned that bigger isn’t always better.

Or that guys with big dicks often aren’t very in tune with their emotions.

So in my opinion if she wants to experiment with a larger size cock she is more showing her age, and her sexual inexperience.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

I would completely agree with dugie as well (dump her)… but she didn’t tell you were small. It’s not because you’r not 7 inches thick that she can’t envoy 5.5 girth. But If she ever tells you your small, dump her without any hesitation.

So reywdsuyt my first goal is to get to 6” EG. You honestly believe I can get there before the summer?

That’s all up to your body, some people gain fast some slow, some people devote a lot of time, some don’t If you work at it a lot and find a good solid girth routine, I don’t see why the hell not.

Also about the big cock in her hand, and how she would oggle it and just hold it b/c of its size, yeah, I can see that, that’s why I want a big dick too so I can do the same thing with mine.

She just wants to experience a big dick. Shit I’m completely heterosexual but I’ve often wondered what it would be like to hold a cock that size in my hand and feel the weight of it. That shit would be sweet.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Yeah she is sort of sexual inexperenced. When we first had sex we tried for about an hour with no lube and it just never happened. I went home with the most painful cock ever. I just couldn’t get it in. And to john7grains your right she has never told me that I was small, infact she has already told me that girth wise I’m the biggest she has ever been with and that was pre-pe when I was 5” EG. Length wise she said I have another 1/4” to go before I have the same length of a boyfriend in the past.

My wife wants a big dick as well. When I told her about PE, I then asked her how big she wanted it. She replied, how big can you make it!

So I got that going for me.:-Y

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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