Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My girl wants a huge dick

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
She said that when the girls told all the other girls (about 7 of them) about these King Kong guys they’re mouths hit the floor in amazement. Then they all laughed and called the guys Superdicks.

I’ve wondered where RWG has been lately :jumpers:

On a serious note though, if you are looking for extensive girth in a relatively short amount of time, I suggest you stick with a basic PE routine for 6 months (Jelqing 30 minutes by the 4th month, then adding some Uli squeezes until the 6th month). Then work with clamping- that seems to be the hottest girth exercise around here since the horse440 (which is damn good also!).
Take it slow and you MIGHT want to try edging to keep your penis swollen (stimulating your dick but not ejaculating- stopping right before the point of no return) for around 5 days a week, then blowing your load like a hydrant on your resting days. Good Luck!

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Once I hit 6 I’m going to want 6.25 then 6.5 and so on.

I doubt it. Even with “only” 6 inches of girth, you will find that it imposes limits on sex with many women: quickies are generally uncomfortable, for example, and there is often a “recovery” period of soreness post-coitus, even with sufficient foreplay and whatnot. I know because I’ve always had 6” girth midshaft. I think you will be plenty satisfied with the response you get at such a girth. Don’t feel like they sky is the limit when it comes to desirable dick size, because it’s not. I’m sure you can reach your goals, and you will be satisfied when you reach them. She will be too :D

Originally Posted by deadeye3200

My wife wants a big dick as well. When I told her about PE, I then asked her how big she wanted it. She replied, how big can you make it!

So I got that going for me.:-Y

hehehe.. can you blame em though? After all if my girl said to me “there’s an exercise I can do to make my boobs bigger, how big do you want them?”, I would have the same response as your wife!

Good call Para-Goomba. My wife gets really sore after taking my 5.7” of girth with 7.5BPEL and this is after having several children. I really felt like she was humoring me by saying how big I felt during but she said it feels like a rug burn on the opening after wiping when she pees and her cervix can hurt if I hit it hard.

I do notice that she is angling herself in the doggie position in such a way as to minimize depth as much as she can. She moves ever so slightly just before I get going each time and I asked her if it was to protect her insides.. She admitted it and it kind of made me re-evaluate my goals. I want 8” NBP 6” more for me than for her. I think we can all relate to that because once you get past the point of “above average” reality sinks in that most women will not really enjoy horse-sized meat. They just like to look at it and play with it.

Originally Posted by dugie65
…I say dump her…

D*mn right! and post her shallow 5’3” 115lbs phone number here.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Well, I know that you are talking about thickness here, but to thick dick and it’s just painful for many girls AND guys, sure the vagina automatically adept to a certain size, but still many girls think it’s uncomfortable with a to large penis and it can be quite painful sometimes for the guy when he can’t get the penis inside of her.

While I’m at it, length, a girls vagina is 7 - 9 centimers deep while not being horny, when she gets horny it can increase between 3 - 4 centimeters, so a normal girl is max 13 centimeters deep, that is 5.12 inches, when girls are saying they want large penises, like length, they are just full of shit imo. Well sure, they could wish for a larger penis to penetrate them if they want their Cervix drilled, ouch, that has to be painful. And if any girls stick to these forums and you think you can get better sex with a longer penis, think again. By the way, if you are seriously considering penetrating the Cervix, ehm:

Anyway, 7 ½ inches thick penis is overkill and I seriously doubt a normal girl would like that kind of size.

Oh also forgot to tell you, it has been reported that some males have gone impotent because a girl has somehow hinted them that they might have a small penis or have said something about big penises so the guy actually consider his penis small.

I couldn’t handle your girlfriend dude, I have a girl that gets off more when I introduce the HUGE dildo, but she would never boast about wanting it. It would always have to be my choice for her, If my girl starting going on about how her mates get more pleasure from “superdicks” and she seemed like she wanted the same - I would run!

Anyway, do all the nice pleasuring things like they are mentioning above, but firstly, stuff something HUGE in her and pound away, I reckon she will soon change her mind and will be begging for you again ;)

I have ALWAYS been really down about my dick. Just remember that you are not alone - My girlfriend handles a 10 inch dildo which is about 6.5inches girth and I am 4.5inches girth, lol.

The last week, I have opened my eyes and got passed the inferior feeling and realise that dildos can do the job for me, it pleases me to see her enjoying it and I can kiss and hug her at the same time.

It is also VERY fun to use a dildo, you have so much control and you can make her scream - plus she will still appreciate it and respect you. And if she is into anal, then you can do both at once ;) she’ll love it!

Originally Posted by rundown
I couldn’t handle your girlfriend dude, I have a girl that gets off more when I introduce the HUGE dildo, but she would never boast about wanting it. It would always have to be my choice for her, If my girl starting going on about how her mates get more pleasure from “superdicks” and she seemed like she wanted the same - I would run!

Anyway, do all the nice pleasuring things like they are mentioning above, but firstly, stuff something HUGE in her and pound away, I reckon she will soon change her mind and will be begging for you again ;)

Not to defend the enemy (women) but his lady never “boasted” about wanting a huge dick… he asked her (from what I recall he pressed the issue) and she asnwered honestly.

As far as your dildo comment- so if your girl used a fake vagina on you that was tighter than her she should feel insecure? think of it this way- if you F*ck your girl with a 10x6 dildo it is still YOU doing her, Especialy with women emotion plays a huge role.


BIG dildo for now….Then join the pumping forum!

Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

All chicks are different and very few can’t handle large girths and enjoy them. Last night while having sex with my girlfriend I noticed this while entering her for the first time she was very tight and noticed her grimace and sort of move into a position where she could control me entering her. Well after a short time she was handling my girth with no problem and after she orgasim several times I could have another inch of girth that she would have enjoyed at that point. It’s the length that most chicks will have problems with not the girth. I have to be careful with my length at first with my girl until after she gets going I can grind it all the way in into that sweet spot and make her go nuts. Like my goal 9bpX7 I think it is the max all normal girls could learn to love.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I want to join the pumping forum and start pumping, but I am scared it might make my injury ten times worse with that kinda pressure, also, I don’t want anyone finding out that I use a penis pump - I live with my family!

New news today

Your right stubby I did ask her for her opinion. And I told her many times with a serious face (in a nice way) to be honest and not to lie. We had sex this morning and it was great like always. But I must second Dino9X7 by saying that the same thing happen to me. This morning I tried to force my dick in without any lube. WRONG it was a no go. I still don’t understand why would she like to have something “SO” much thicker than I am now if we struggle in the first minutes of sex trying to get it in.

I’m not sure if this is normal but even with lube it takes a few minutes (around 2 or 3) to get things going due to her first grinding on the head, then slowly trying to take more dick as she goes down. I know she not doing this to be sexy or sensual in a lets make love way, because when I grab her shoulders and push her down my dick she ALWAYS says “ouch”, “slowdown”, and “wait a second that hurts”. This morning I measured at 5.5” EG maybe a 1 or 2 16ths more depending on my erection. After her getting off 3 times I know like Dino9X7 says she could have taken 1 more inch in girth.

But afterward she layed on the floor with her legs open saying that her pussy was really sore and that she couldn’t close her legs. When I touched the hair very slightly she jumped and cursed me out. She didn’t move for 10 minutes.

I just don’t understand why she thinks that she can take 7” EG when my 5.5” hurts her now. Can anybody explain this?

Last edited by mckmas8808 : 12-17-2004 at .

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
Your right stubby I did ask her for her opinion. And I told her many times with a serious face (in a nice way) to be honest and not to lie. We had sex this morning and it was great like always. But I must second Dino9X7 by saying that the same thing happen to me. This morning I tried to force my dick in without any lube. WRONG it was a no go. I still don’t understand why would she like to have something “SO” much thicker than I am now if we struggle in the first minutes of sex trying to get it in.

I’m not sure if this is normal but even with lube it takes a few minutes (around 2 or 3) to get things going due to her first grinding on the head, then slowly trying to take more dick as she goes down. I know she not doing this to be sexy or sensual in a lets make love way, because when I grab her shoulders and push her down my dick she ALWAYS says “ouch”, “slowdown”, and “wait a second that hurts”. This morning I measured at 5.5” EG maybe a 1 or 2 16ths more depending on my erection. After her getting off 3 times I know like Dino9X7 says she could have taken 1 more inch in girth.

But afterward she layed on the floor with her legs open saying that her pussy was really sore and that she couldn’t close her legs. When I touched the hair very slightly she jumped and cursed me out. She didn’t move for 10 minutes.

I just don’t understand why she thinks that she can take 7” EG when my 5.5” hurts her now. Can anybody explain this?

No lol.
She is kinda strange. I think she just want to experience, maybe one time, a 7” EG, just for fun. But since you said she’s already sore with 5,5…Like you said, she would die from a 7”

The fact is I already now that volume wise I’m the biggest guy she has ever been with. One guy in her past was about a quarter inch longer than me but pre-pe she said that I was the thickness. Now after about 1/2” of added girth I know no guy was nowhere near close to me in girth. I think she is listening to her friends too much and thinks that a 7” girth could be easily controlled. Trust me if I was ever to get to 7” thick my mind set will change and I will be super confident and will call myself Jackhammer. If I had 7” girth I would probably murder her coochie. Today she was drinking out of an 8 ounce plastic cup and I said to her “wrap your fingers around the very bottom of the cup is that too big”. She said no and would like to experience that someday with me (she knows that I PE) and only me no dildos. I told her watch what you wish for!! :-)


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