Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My girl wants a huge dick

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
Now I’m not worried that she will cheat on me I just want her to be totally happy with my love making and dick size.

What does it take for guys to realize that they have absolutely no control over whether or not their women “cheat” on them?

If fidelity is something you must have in a relationship - and the idea of her banging another guy terrifies you so - simply let it be known to your lady in no uncertain terms: If you are ever unfaithful our relationship is over. There will be no reconciliation, no counseling or long tear-filled talks; there will be no forgiveness. No grey area exists between faithful and unfaithful in our relationship; get physical in any way with another man and we are finished. Period.

This way, if ever she dines on another guys nut taffy you can be certain of her point: I want out.
All you need is the balls to grant her wish.

It might hurt if and when it ever happens, but at least in the real world you guys can stop tearing your hair out over these imaginary scenarios, and cease this living in fear of a negative potentiality.

Nothing you can do or say, and no amount of pulling on your dick will stop your woman from cheating if she wants to cheat. Understand?

Damn straight Capn’!

Keep up the good work of reminding men of the lost art of being “a man”!

To damn much estrogen floating through our brains these days.

We’ve been brainwashed by that feminist bullshit that convinced us woman want a “sensitive” guy.

In the meantime, they’ll fuck the bad boys the first nite they meet em’.

The sensitive guy will then come over, take them to dinner, then have to listen to how upset the girl is with the bad boy…LOL! And by the way, not get any because the girl is feeling confused.

You know what women mean by “sensitive”? It means a guy that will listen for hours while they piss and moan!

If you wanted to then take your turn to vent…they think you are being a baby.

Be sensitive only with a woman that truly loves you and cares for your well being more than her own. Then, use that sensitivity to be loving and considerate of her, not to vent your every fear and mood.

OK, to now get back to the topic.

Women are visually aroused by a huge, hard dick. So the young inexperienced ones confuse visual stimulation with effective size.

The more experienced women know that the moderate size is much more useful for fun.

I guess its like us being attracted to hot strippers, then finding that you can’t deal with her because she is a self centered, manipulative bitch.

Remember these girls work on their looks, not so they can be a loving wife, but as a weapon to use on stupid guys, to get what they want. It is a powerful weapon, and many, many guys become spineless and brainless under its effect. This of course just encourages the woman to continue with this approach.

Eventually, if you are lucky, you find a normal, attractive girl, that is also a great person. She might not be as physically beautiful, but she is wonderful to be with, and loves you. She works on her looks with pleasing you in mind. In the long run she will get even more beautiful because the inner beauty shows on the outside more and more as you age.

Conversely, the total self centered bitch, gets that burned out, used up look as time goes on, because the inner bitch is working its way to the outside too.

My advise, make as big as you would like and are capable of. The rest will sort itself out. Besides, it will be a slow enough change that you can make informed decisions as you go.


Originally Posted by CaptnHook
What does it take for guys to realize that they have absolutely no control over whether or not their women “cheat” on them?

If fidelity is something you must have in a relationship - and the idea of her banging another guy terrifies you so - simply let it be known to your lady in no uncertain terms: If you are ever unfaithful our relationship is over. There will be no reconciliation, no counseling or long tear-filled talks; there will be no forgiveness. No grey area exists between faithful and unfaithful in our relationship; get physical in any way with another man and we are finished. Period.

This way, if ever she dines on another guys nut taffy you can be certain of her point: I want out.
All you need is the balls to grant her wish.

It might hurt if and when it ever happens, but at least in the real world you guys can stop tearing your hair out over these imaginary scenarios, and cease this living in fear of a negative potentiality.

Nothing you can do or say, and no amount of pulling on your dick will stop your woman from cheating if she wants to cheat. Understand?

Good info, makes perfect sense. I laid down these rules and tend to stick by them. She has also done the same. Although a small clause exists which “allows” us to “swing” together ;)

“If fidelity is something you must have in a relationship - and the idea of her banging another guy terrifies you so - simply let it be known to your lady in no uncertain terms: If you are ever unfaithful our relationship is over. There will be no reconciliation, no counseling or long tear-filled talks; there will be no forgiveness. No grey area exists between faithful and unfaithful in our relationship; get physical in any way with another man and we are finished. Period.”

But, if you let your girlfriend know the outcome of her cheating, then she might disguise it more, right? lol, it’s a vicious circle.

Ignorance is bliss.

Must’ve been the mailman…

Originally Posted by penismith
Until you have a kid with a dominant genetic trait that neither you nor your wife exhibit.

That is so true :D

Why does everyone doubt female’s intelligence here. Everyone for some odd reason thinks that when a woman has seen a penis larger than average than she obviously must’ve measured wrong as if large penis’s don’t exist. Remember average is 6-7 inches. So if your below average, then there’s someone that’s above average out there to match you. Men with smaller penises usually have less self confidence, so they prolly will not approach a woman or fear having sex. Men with larger penises usually dont have this problem with penis size. Therefore, she may very will have seen more average and above average penises, because lower than average men don’t approach her.

And we all want a bigger dick, but realize that no matter how big yours is there is someone out there bigger. Rule of thumb.

Originally Posted by illpo
Why does everyone doubt female’s intelligence here. Everyone for some odd reason thinks that when a woman has seen a penis larger than average than she obviously must’ve measured wrong as if large penis’s don’t exist.

Everyone? I’ve been saying that women know the difference between sizes, whether the previous guys were bigger or smaller. But what I’ve also said is when it comes to putting numerical sizes on it they can be mistaken, which is not a knock on women because guys also can have difficulty guessing a size just from looking at it. Women do tend to be less math minded, so perhaps they are worse, in general, with guessing numerically. Some women use the width of their hands to judge by, but others rely on what the guy tells them and some women just guess. This women and numbers stuff is really beside the point as far as I’m concerned. When I asked women about their previous men I never asked for a number. I always asked it they had had bigger, about the same, or smaller. They had always had bigger, sometimes smaller, and often similar size. Most didn’t want to talk about it much, so I didn’t push for more detail. With only one, an ex, did I find out a number, and she just up and told me without me asking for it. She said he measured it in front of her because he was very proud of it. Sex with him was very painful to her and she claimed she preferred me. I guess I believed her, sort of, but she did one night say “deeper” when I was already as deep as I could go. Also I started a thread, not long after joining Thunder’s, called The Big Guys Get Around. It turned out to be a thread with many posts.

When I say everyone, I don’t mean technically everyone, just majority. I was exaggerating.


from what i’ve read over these pages it seems like you really don’t have a healthy relationship with your girlfriend. Yes, let me guess you do and you love each other etc… Doesn’t matter if you love her or not you obviously don’t trust her. You’re way over average, over AVERAGE how do you know her girlfriends aren’t making this shit up? What they ALL have sex with guys that have “HUGE” dicks? Do you guys live near a nuclear powerplant or something? Come on dude, you’re in here talking about getting 7” of girth just to HAVE 7” of girth. If you two really “loved” each other you wouldn’t be peddling this issue about penis size over and over again. It looks like it’s eating you that you HAVE to have a bigger dick than all of her girlfriend’s boyfriends. Guess what, there are some guys out there who are 11.5x7.5 naturally, are you going to compete with that? Christ, what you are complaining about? There are men out there with 4” dicks who would love to do nothing more than please their partners, who PE everyday trying to get bigger and here you are trying to get a bigger dick - just to HAVE a bigger dick.

I for one want a bigger dick so I can please my girlfriend more, but if she ever said something to me like “listen if you get any bigger we can’t have sex” you’re damned right I’ll stop what I’m doing.

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
I can’t wait to throw the biggest mass produced condoms on the counter and say here you go maam

I’ve not had the moments buying xl’s as I have time after time when as “discreetly” as “inevitably” flaunting a good sized (inner diameter) cockring lying with the coins in my wallet.
Ever let a lady lay her eyes on one? Get metal; they like those because they’re good looking, clean timeless male fashion. I bought two for my sort-of-gf this Christmas. Like a baby, she likes to look at them and jingle jangle them.

Metal rings signal stamina, confidence, taste, et.c.. At least as long as the rest of yourself is in reasonable shape.
Rubber rings: ED, low budget and fuckin’ household sex education.
Leather rings… you might as well show her grit under your fingernails.

Originally Posted by Sex&Guns

Did you ever run into that guy who c-blocked you at that college? :D

LOL! I missed this.

Nope haven’t run into him!

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

Originally Posted by penismith
Until you have a kid with a dominant genetic trait that neither you nor your wife exhibit.



Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G


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