Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My girl wants a huge dick

Originally Posted by rubbingalcohol

from what i’ve read over these pages it seems like you really don’t have a healthy relationship with your girlfriend. Yes, let me guess you do and you love each other etc… Doesn’t matter if you love her or not you obviously don’t trust her. You’re way over average, over AVERAGE how do you know her girlfriends aren’t making this shit up? What they ALL have sex with guys that have “HUGE” dicks? Do you guys live near a nuclear powerplant or something? Come on dude, you’re in here talking about getting 7” of girth just to HAVE 7” of girth. If you two really “loved” each other you wouldn’t be peddling this issue about penis size over and over again. It looks like it’s eating you that you HAVE to have a bigger dick than all of her girlfriend’s boyfriends. Guess what, there are some guys out there who are 11.5x7.5 naturally, are you going to compete with that? Christ, what you are complaining about? There are men out there with 4” dicks who would love to do nothing more than please their partners, who PE everyday trying to get bigger and here you are trying to get a bigger dick - just to HAVE a bigger dick.

I for one want a bigger dick so I can please my girlfriend more, but if she ever said something to me like “listen if you get any bigger we can’t have sex” you’re damned right I’ll stop what I’m doing.

No rubingalcohol I actually trust my girl more than any girl I have every had in my life. I seriously doubt that she will ever cheat on me. I know for me it’s just the thought that her friends (which I know had to be over exaggerating a bit) tell her about these huge horse dick guys and I want to be bigger than them. Her friends never told her a numerical size they just use their hand and make a circle showing how big the guy was. I know that all girls have different size hands, but the circle she showed me averaged between 6.5 to 7 inches in girth.

Honestly rubingalcohol I want to reach that point where she says “o.k. no more P.E. your dick is f*cking huge and I love every inch of it”. As soon as that happens I will go on Avocet8’s maintenance plan. Then it will be only one or two days a week that I would probably P.E. just to keep what I got. I personally think just from having sex with her that size would be around 8.5” nbp X 6.5” EG.

Just let me say, 7 inches girth will kill her, lol. Just stick a finger in her along with your dick ;)

Previously known as rundown.

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
My wife wants a big dick as well.

Oh yeah, tell her to come over to my place. I’ll take good care of her :)


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

7 inch girth!

Originally Posted by CiderMan
Just let me say, 7 inches girth will kill her, lol. Just stick a finger in her along with your dick ;)

Hey CiderMan I have already done that. The only way I can pull it off is when she is real horny and is in between orgasms. That’s how I know that with time and patience that she can handle at least 6.5” EG. If I had a magic wand I would make my dick 9” EL X 6.5” EG. It would probably take at least 3 or 4 months for her to completely get used to it, but eventually she would. And anything more than that would be overkill.
I’m currently 7” EL X 5.5” EG, so yeah I think I could get there someday.

I maybe VERY wrong, but I think that if a girls pussy is full with cock and can’t handle more, then that is the most pleasure she can get.

I don’t know if this makes sense, but:

If a girl has a small pussy and your cock fills her completely, then aint it the same as if she has a big pussy and you have a big dick? She is still filled the same amount!

I am talking about girth by the way.
Sorry for not being able to word that better!

Previously known as rundown.

Yeah thats true, but the pussy can stretch. And overtime if the girl that’s used to a 6” penis starts to have sex with a 8” penis eventually she will adapt to it as long as the guy with the 8 inches takes his time.

And if that girl becomes your wife the hell she will eventually be able to take anything that you could throw at her. Having sex every day for a year will train her pussy to adapt to your dick regardless of how fast you grow doing PE.


She may have already reasoned that your line of questioning may indicate that you are feeling insecure about your size. At 7.5 BP you are certainly far above average so I would not sweat it but as far as the thickness is concerned…
I’m just taking an educated guess here but based on your description of the story and just my general vibes about the situation…I think she is just playing with your head man i.e., she may be the kind of girl that derives satisfaction from seeing you squirm a bit, she may have just wanted to see the look on your face when her fingers forming the “C” stopped at the 7 inch thick mark. Think about it, doe she like play jokes on you and does she like to tease you and do you think she has a general mischievous nature?

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Well supersizeit here are your answers.

“Does she like play jokes on you and does she like to tease you”

Yeah sometimes, but I tease her a little more than she teases me. But yeah from time to time she may throw a joke or 2 in there.

“do you think she has a general mischievous nature?”

No, by no means does she have a mischievous nature what so ever.

I TOTALLY understand what you are saying supersizeit, but I don’t think that it is the case about this situation. I didn’t realize until the guys here started to make a good point stating that due to her age and experience she just doesn’t know how big a 7” inch really is. When we first started to have sex I was around 5” thick, but now at 5.5” thick so much louder during sex, gets off quicker, and has already said that she noticed that my dick grew WITHOUT me even telling her I PE.

And that’s with only a 1/2” increase, imagine an 1.5” inch increase from where I’m at now she could never handle that. But it would be nice to be 6” EG though.

My girl told me New Years Eve that I have a big dick. This felt nice being that she never directly told me this before. She has always kind of hinted at it but never directly told me without me saying anything. She was like “damn baby your dick is getting super long” and “oh my god is it going to stop growing”. When she was riding me we were having small complications and I said “come on go down it” and she said “damn its not my fault that your like 20 inches long”.

Of course she was exaggerating but it great just to hear your girl say something like that.

If she is saying you are 20 inches long, then it proves she was exaggerating with the whole 7 inch thick girth thing too ;)

Previously known as rundown.

Yeah I told her today that she really doesn’t want a 7 inch girth because it’s way to big. In the middle of sex (after she gets off 4 times and needs rest) I show her that the magnum Larges are starting to become a little tight to me and I let her she the part at the bottom of my dick that looks like its about to explode with the condom on. I said to her that by this summer I’m going to need to use Magnum XL’s and she just stared at me with this oh my god look on her face.

I explained to her the next day that the only move up from Magnum XL are custom made condoms that have to be shipped to your house and she got really mad. She said that it is stupid for me to get so big that I would need to get condom shipped to my house. I ask her if we didn’t use condoms would it still be stupid and she said yes. She said that my dick would be too big for her. I let her know that a dick 7 to 8 inches long and 7 inches in girth (she told me that a 7 inch girth dick would be great a while back) would be too big for a Magnum XL.

She then said “hell then I don’t want a dick as around as a ketchup bottle if thats the case” She further said that she never imagined how big a ketchup bottle dick really was if just sound nice and seemed like it would feel nice in her hand. She told to stop when I reach a Magnum XL condom. I think that would put me at a size around 8” NBP X 6.25” EG.

Have any of you guys experienced anything like this before?

Great experiment to get to ideal size!


I think you are making a mistake talking to your girlfriend about the size of your privates and giving promises about size increase. This might come back and bite you in the ass later.
Your size - 7” nbp X 5” EG is a very good size to start with. Don’t talk to her about your PE intentions and just do your PE routines. When you grow bigger, she’ll notice and let you know an she will gradually adjust to your size as you proceed with your PE.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

I don’t know if I’ve talked to all of my girlfriends combined about my cock as much as you have to this one girl in the last week!

improve yourself: improve your life.


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